Well I really didn't want to get into this whole thing because, yeah, it has been beaten into the ground over and over. BUT! I am 40 now and I remember going to shows in the late 80's and early 90's in Pigeon Forge, Charlotte, Hamilton OH and others that the same crap went on then and those shows aren't around now. I read people saying their going to be hangin with the Hot Roders because they know how to have a good time and you know what, their right, But 20 yrs ago those Hot Rodders were 20 somethings. You know why those guys act right, because the guys who they looked up to when they were 20 somethings acted right and if someone wasn't acting right they got told or got run off. Not by the cops or the show promotor ( who shouldn't have to come to the hotel) or the Hotel staff, but by the people that were there to have a good time enjoying other peoples company who had the same interests as they did. I remember thinking as a young minitrucker that when I got older I would get an old car to fix up and join the adults; so I did, I got out of minitruckin, bought an old car with the intentions of fixing it up and showing it with the old guys, but that never happened because at heart I was a minitrucker and I thought why can't we be adults and minitruckers? I mean those guys who were hot rodders were hot rodders because thats the kind of cars they had when they were 20 somethings and they just continued to progress in that medium, why couldn't I continue to progress in the style of custom vehicle I liked and be an adult? So with that, at 40 yrs old I'm still a minitrucker. Minitruckin is essentially in toddler phase right now. Why? Becuase the hot rodders have been doing this for 60-70 years now and I'm sure we have all heard stories of the illegal drag races and the hassles they got from the cops for loud pipes and stuff. They have matured and evolved into a group that knows better because they have seen their rod runs fade away just as we are seeing ours disapear. So it's up to us to LEAD BY EXAMPLE, put the childish in their place and allow this lifestyle we love so much to mature and evolve into what we know it can be. Unfortunately I was at the Ramada and saw the situation first hand. Because of that I am sorry I did not feel like I could do much about the situation other than walk away, I stood by and watched a bunch of idiots make us all look like idiots, I heard many say this is why we can't keep shows anymore but we all just stood by and watched. When the cops came we pointed them out and made sure the one's responsible were taken and tried to smooth it over with the cops ( who were very cool and understanding) but in the larger picture that doesn't matter because the damage had already been done to our reputation as Minitruckers. Again I apologize for not recruiting an army and getting rid of the people myself. It won't happen again! WHO's With Me? So with that said I assure you, if we all stand together when the dumbasses start acting dumb and get rid of them ourselves not only will we have a better time but we will start to earn the respect of our peers, the other car clubs and the communities we visit. It won't happen overnight but i's got to start somwhere. So think about your actions from the last show you were at, did you set a good example for that new club member or for that kid that so and so had at the show or for your kid/s? It's time we stopped being toddlers and falling on our faces every weekend in another city or town and started walking straight growing up and maturing into adult minitruckers.