I guess it just boiled down to me being tired of feeling helpless.
I was standing in the bank that day, absolutely furious that this was being tolerated. Washington Mutual started out as a small bank in Washington. It grew to the size it is today because of hard working American citizens. Now this bank has the audacity to turn it's back on us, just so they can have fatter pockets.
As consumers, we all have choices to make. I chose not to support this back-stabbing any longer.
Is it a pain in the ass to change banks? Kinda. But I won't have to deal with this garbage anymore.
I actually plan on taking a hard look at where I spend my money. Not because I think I will make a huge financial impact, but because I simply don't want my money going to businesses that support this type of thing.
I will say this. If you have posted in this topic supporting my decision, I want to challenge you to do the same. Look at where your money goes. If you don't like the way those company's do business, don't patronize them. AND LET THEM KNOW ABOUT IT!
It's one thing to talk about it, it's entirely another thing to do something about it.
Think about it.