i agree with campy the bank we use here in panama tried that 2 lanuguage shit and people went ape shit bitching and raising hell and all and with in a week all the second launguages were pulled down, but what id ont agree with is what krewzlo said about americans loosing the land to indians and shit, if i am not mistaken americans took the land from the indians, they were here first,and because i am 1/4 native american i do support them most of the citizens of the united states are from immigrant descent( ellis island, new york),so when you really look at it they were all illegal at one time or another but that is not what this bash is about, i agree that the mexicans are getting to much free shit from us and they are driving the labor rates down in this country, and big buisness likes it cause it is more profit for them and, we as americans get shit on cause of that and with inflation on gas and general merchandise the middle class american has to struggle and just work and go home and not able to save and take trips or vacations like generations back use to.. it all boils down to the almighty dollar and in some congressman and senators eyes it is the useless and worthless peso... damn beauracrats...