I don't know how else to say this other than you are just flat-out wrong.
If your talking about Columbus & Co...There was nothing illegal about it. There wasn't any form of Government, and as such, there were no laws. How can something be illegal if there is no law against it. Sure there were Indians, but did they have government and laws? No. For all intents and purposes, they were simply bands of nomadic people scattered throughout the land. You want to talk about whats right and wrong on a morality basis...fine. But to call it illegal, well...you've got no stick to stand on.
If your talking about the Irish, Scottish, German, blah, blah, blah...The vast, overwhelming majority, came into this country legally. There was a massive influx of legal immigration and these people registered with the Government, filed as U.S. Citizens, and moved on with their lives.
It's absolutely ludicrous to state that they were illegal immigrants. Sure, there might have been a few that slipped through the cracks, but for what purpose? The U.S. was welcoming everyone with open arms...and an express lane. See: The Statue of Liberty and her engraving.
But that was then, this is now. Laws are different and there is a lenghty process to becomming a citizen. It's just the way the chips fell.