only way to overthrow the current government is if everyone bans together and stands up for themselves, which will never happen cu zthe majority of the country is dumbed down just where they want them,(i.e. my first post on page 1), ive lost faith in the voting system, look what happened with florida in th ebush election, this country is ran by corporations not the government, obama is in office cuz they put him there not all the people that voted for him "cuz hes black" (im not prejudice, i hate everyone the same) we as a country have been dooped and now some are waking up and seein it, they have single handedly brought this country to where its at right now, just another step in their plan to get citizens to be government dependent. the thing is they dont want u to succeed, own anything, or be smart enough to have ur own opinion, cuz that puts a wrinkle in their plans. we are in fact FUCKED as u.s. citzens and if nobody stands up and does anything we will continue on this path. i know there are so many more issues with this subject i didnt touch on but u guys get the point.....in other countries the government is scared of the people, here and most comunist countries we the citizens are scared of the government.....