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Off-topic \  Mike Finnegan

Mike Finnegan

Off-topic General Discussions
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msturg   +1y
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by msturgok, just got some more info from the news, of all places.  One of the limitations to the program that congress is considering passing is if the vehicle is over 15 years old it does not qualify for the VOLUNTARY program.  They say that this is to keep people from scrapping classic cars--------------------------------------------- just wanted to quote this so no one manages to skip over it.  In my opinion this is by definition END OF DISCUSSION or at least end of the discussion that was originally brought up
bigdaddypaco   +1y
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by crux131Edited: 6/10/2009 12:36:03 AM by crux131One thing about calling for a new Constitutional Convention...we better have all of our ducks in a row( congressmen/women and representatives that we can trust ) to draft the changes that the people feel needed. If not we get their policies all over again and this time with stronger legal backing than ever before( we would probably lose most if not all of our current legal recourse against the new legislation ). --------------------------------------------- When the states call for a Constitutional Convention they decide who will go to represent the state..this is how it is set up so the states can get around the current establishment..if you couldnt do that what would be the point?So you send someone with explicit instructions on what they can and can not do, then 2/3 of the states have to ratify the changes...i
crux131   +1y

Thank you for clearing that up but my statement still somewhat applies...we simply can not send anyone and most people would  want to send a name they recognize.As a side note, I never claimed Obama was elected simply because he was black but to think that did not contribute to some voters would be idiotic.  I do think we should not vote in allow any type of scrappage programs. Wether they be the current proposal or similar to the older bills allowing companies carbon credits.
nvr53   +1y

holy shit those movies are scary

I saw on the news a little bit ago, there not forcing anything, if your vehicle gets something like 18-16 mpg and under they offer to buy it from you. Though you have to spend the money at a dealership, so its not such a bad idea for someone that wants to get a more economical car and it could save a few dealers from going under.

Obama will be cranking out lead acid battery controled donks though there working on a substitute for these batts though for whom ever mentioned this earlier in the post
hitncry   +1y
Edited: 6/11/2009 2:47:00 AM by hitncry

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by AON-OFFDAHOOKEdited: 6/10/2009 4:54:31 PM by AON-OFFDAHOOK---------------------------------------------Originally posted by msturgwow, I'm all for Mike's article and was definitely a great read. I'm one of the Obama supporters everyone keeps wondering where they are.  I'm not saying I believe in every decision the man makes but I agree with more of his policies than I did McCain/Palin's All I will say though is, if I was going to give someone a ton of money and own a majority of their stock I would most certainly tell them how to run there company.  If they didn't want that to happen then maybe they shouldn't have F'd up to begin with or said no thanks we would rather go bankrupt trying.  You don't see the govt telling Ford to restructure I know this is going to insight flaming, which I'm fine with, hopefully it will force people to do some research before just making one sided comments ---------------------------------------------I'm with you...I happen to like Obama and what he's doing.   Anyone see that porn "Who's Nailin' Palin?"  LOL - I did!   --------------------------------------------- I agree as well. (and I saw that vid too, Ha!)  In my opinion this forum is out-of-control fucking retarded!  NOBODY IS GOING TO MAKE YOU GET RID OF YOUR TRUCK AND GET A HYBRID! They are starting to implement a "cash for clunkers" program where people would be eligible for a cash bonus for trading up to more fuel efficient vehicles. (similar to the $8000 credit now available to 1st time home buyers) I think its a good thing. Producing fuel efficient vehicles will also provide Americans with new jobs in the future as well. Also most Americans aren't custom truck builders. So why should you contact your congressmen and let them know this plan is wrong? YOU SHOULDN'T! I say Finnegan is wrong on this one and his article was not a responsible one. There is no mandate that will require anyone to give up their pride and joy. Does everyone on this site watch Fox News or something? STOP POSTING FALSE AND/OR INCOMPLETE AND INACCURATE INFORMATION PEOPLE!!! -=Click for some detailed info on the program=-  Hybrid vehicles don't use lead batteries either. Lead batteries are old technology that don't work well to increase electric drive capabilities. Why be so against fuel efficiency anyway I'd love to see some creative hybrid or electric motor swaps done to minis. Where are the innovators ready to make things like that cool for the custom scene. It doesn't all have to be 350 swaps. Also if you don't like America, fucking move somewhere else and let us know how it goes.  And you people act like Obama is some mythical overlord and don't have legitimate statements that back your opinions. Start doing some non-biased learning of Christ's sake.
Mulligan   +1y
SEMA just won what they have been lobbying for with congress that the cash for clunkers that puts safeguards on classic/collector vehicles by making that the extra insentives only apply to cars and trucks that are 25 years old or newer...that way those with older, rare cars would be more inclined to sell their vehicle to someone who might restore it or use the hard to find parts. The cash for clunkers was thinning out the classic car pickings a bit. Imagine the goverment offering someone $3,000-$4,500 voucher towards a new car for 'trading in' their 66 cadillac or something that is beat down and not worth as much, but the parts or the shell is valuable to one of us. SEMA was trying to limit that to only more modern cars for that reason, and they did. On the electric side, check out the AVS/Settin Trends hot rod roadster with the electric motor in it...there have been several hybrid and electric powered hot rods at sema over the years too
msturg   +1y
Edited: 6/11/2009 8:24:07 AM by msturg

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by hitncryEdited: 6/11/2009 2:47:00 AM by hitncryI agree as well. (and I saw that vid too, Ha!)  In my opinion this forum is out-of-control fucking retarded!  NOBODY IS GOING TO MAKE YOU GET RID OF YOUR TRUCK AND GET A HYBRID!They are starting to implement a "cash for clunkers" program where people would be eligible for a cash bonus for trading up to more fuel efficient vehicles. (similar to the $8000 credit now available to 1st time home buyers) I think its a good thing. Producing fuel efficient vehicles will also provide Americans with new jobs in the future as well. Also most Americans aren't custom truck builders. So why should you contact your congressmen and let them know this plan is wrong? YOU SHOULDN'T! I say Finnegan is wrong on this one and his article was not a responsible one. There is no mandate that will require anyone to give up their pride and joy. Does everyone on this site watch Fox News or something? STOP POSTING FALSE AND/OR INCOMPLETE AND INACCURATE INFORMATION PEOPLE!!! -=Click for some detailed info on the program=-  Hybrid vehicles don't use lead batteries either. Lead batteries are old technology that don't work well to increase electric drive capabilities. Why be so against fuel efficiency anyway I'd love to see some creative hybrid or electric motor swaps done to minis. Where are the innovators ready to make things like that cool for the custom scene. It doesn't all have to be 350 swaps. Also if you don't like America, fucking move somewhere else and let us know how it goes.  And you people act like Obama is some mythical overlord and don't have legitimate statements that back your opinions. Start doing some non-biased learning of Christ's sake.---------------------------------------------will you bare my children? lol
tealchevy   +1y
I like to think of Hybrids as a form of unAmerican Terrorism!!! Get r dun!