k24 rd6
I can see this with all types of car shows, not just minitruck shows. There are stock clean cars just getting started and beat up shit boxes that shouldn't be there. Not everyone has the money, talent, or ambition to build a full custom vehicle. When I started out, I thought that 90% of the stuff I do now was stupid and a total waste of money. Over the years I learned more and my priorites changed. I would have never bought a brand new car and cut it up. Now. I wouldn't think twice about it. I just think it was alot simplier 20 years a nice static drop, wheels, and some interior stereo was bad ass show car now those are daily drivers. Today, 3/4 frames and bodydrops are pretty much a standard. That is a steep entry level that is very hard to pay for. It takes most of us quite a few years to afford it.