---------------------------------------------Originally posted by svrdwgn---------------------------------------------Originally posted by KAOSSA huge factor is who you are and who you know. If our truck club Too Mini Obsessions were to throw a show here in Amarillo, No one would come. Even though we are smack dab in the middle of the world with tons of big cities within 5-8 hours of us. We could offer everything everyone has mentioned in this thread. We are just a small club, and no one wants to kiss our ass for any reason. Sadly, there is a bit a popularity contest that goes with throwing a show, and everyone wants to hang out with the cool kids. ---------------------------------------------I have to completely disagree with this too.... How many people outside of California have heard of Spectrum Minis? Probably not many, but they threw one of the biggest shows in the country (at that time) with Spring Splash. All you have to do is believe you can do it. And if youre positive its going to be a small show (70-100 vehicles), then make sure you dont overspend on yourself. This way you wont get discouraged forfuture years, and will be able to grow... Also. PLANNING and ADVERTISING. Now I dont mean spending money on advertising, but just getting the word out... I see a few shows that could be ALOT bigger than they are, but they have crappy advertisement. PLANNING is a big thing. I cant stand having to sit in line to register for a show for 2-3 hours, especially if its a one day show.... -JamieSTSOCAL---------------------------------------------Seductive, Spectrum, Bon Ton Vans, Even Sunset.... Before the internet these clubs had huge shows. Word of mouth, promotion etc build events. First events may not be big but a first impression does wonders. Jamie went from a little parking lot to California speedway with the Octoberfest. Long lead time on promotion helps. If you event is just a month or two away thats really not enough time to get an event that is large. Just know you won't be retiring from the money brought in on the events.