---------------------------------------------Originally posted by Inked84I took an Intro to AutoCAD last semester, when you buy the book it comes with a student edition of the software, which means that if you were to ever print anything from the program it would have the words STUDENT EDITION across the center of it, but it works just like any professional edition would. it only cost me like 200 for the textbook, which is an instruction manual with turoials already printed in it, and the program.--------------------------------------------- hey you suck lol. i didnt get a student edition with my book. i took a autocad class in the fall of last year. we learned autocad 2010 i think. i cant remember lol. i know the book didnt match the software really. are program came on 4 dvds and it was around 5 r 6 thousand dollars if i remember right. it had invertior with it. i was working on a shop but didnt have time 2 finish it. you can get a student edition of autocad but from what i read on the autocad website u had 2 prove u was a student or something like that.