Edited: 3/18/2010 4:18:11 AM by tmiit
Edited: 3/18/2010 4:17:21 AM by tmiitHi all, I guess I'll chime in as i have had the wonderful experience of shipping my truck around the globe via contractors utilized by the Air here's a quick run down..:Beginning in 2006, I was stationed in so. Cali., got orders to Kunsan AB So. Korea for a year feb 06-07, with follow-on orders to Lajes Filed, Azores Portugal (a little island in the Atalntic Oean under 3k miles due east of Maryland) Came back to the states (Feb 07) to ship it Lajes. well I had to put the E-brake back on due to their shipping policy... no problem, it made it there. the truck stayed air up for over two weeks while in shipment status. (Feb 07- Oct 08) next, i was sent back to Korea, Oct '08-'09...this time I am allowed to ship the truck. well, thats when it started. apparantly a leak devleoped and she aired out when it got to the east coast. i received an email and called them to assist in the problem, but by that time, they already got the truck on the hauler. cool --- next, i receive another phone call, this time, from the port in Korea, same problem, but this time they said they put wooden blocks between the frame and control arms/rear axle, phew! problem solved! not quite!!Well when i finally got to see her, they some how split the seams in the beed floor! the only guess I got was them using a forklift tine or something the lift up the rear by using the bed floor instead fof hte frame, to put the blocks in..anyways..lesson learned! So now I have shipped the truck to Germany (OCt 09- OCt '11)..but before doing so, i had made a pair of "maintenance stands" for the front and rear for shipping purposes and put a sign on the steering wheel " Drive SLOW, no suspension". i should have taken pics to show you I wont need to worry for the next shipment, Hopefully back to the states! So the lesson/moral is, guys fab up some type of supports between your frame and control arms and rear axle...its worth it!... p.s., i even put an EDC on the truck prior to shipping it here, and i would have the issue of language barriers..and the only damage i got this time around was a chipped wheel on the 20's, i should have used the "play" wheels ..