---------------------------------------------Originally posted by Slappy Mc Nasty1. "ATTUTUDES"..... we seem to almost capsizing our own "scene". you dont see the old hot rodders smack-talking on each other. more of a push-to-be-better vibe from them. 2. "BUILT NOT BOUGHT". is one i agree with. nothing wrong with buying a quality ride by no means. it beats having a hack-built truck anyday. i do give 110% props and every accomplishment to someone who builds from nothing to have that "perfect" ride. nothing feels betetr to compete against a rider thats been shop-built, and win. 3. "SPRAY-BOMBING". having shaved handles, antenna, pissers, etc. then on a whim, just buying 10 cans of krylon and spray bombing the whole truck knowing you didnt have to. to me, thats wasted moneys you would have had in your hand, bank or in prep. if you have a gameplan, schedule for paint or at least a goal in mind, thats different---------------------------------------------
GHYEAH!!! thats whats up...i agree with 1,2 and three, however, one is the most important message that needs to spread like plague...