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Air Ride Suspensions \  Sponsorships


Air Ride Suspensions Q & A
views 4214
replies 67
following 46
low_blazer   +1y
Bottom line is that a company is not going to just hand out product to help you. That's not how sponsorships work. Any company will want to know that they are getting a return on the products/services they are giving you. Sponsorship positions are a form of advertising, and if a company cannot guarantee good exposure and future income from sponsoring you, they're just not going to do it. If you ever want to be considered for any sponsorships at all, you're going to need to be prepared. A full portfolio of completed projects, rendering of current project, formal sponsorship proposal, any past exposure (magazines, video features, advertising shoot, etc). Sponsorships are't just free candy for greedy've got to work for them..
Rusty Shackleford   +1y
Damn! I just typed a novel on basic economics and why companies sponsor people and my whole post got lost, WTF? Guess I'll go wth the K.I.S.S.(KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID) method. Companies sponsor people to MAKE MONEY! Period. They want a return on there investment. There not in the business of giving out free shit. YOU, (or anyone at that) lookin for a handout is a bad investment aka= NO SPONSOR.

On a side note Dougy made a Great Point. Your website has almost all half-assed vehicles. Anyone lookin to sponsor someone would be put it nicely... turned off by the quality of work in your clubs vehicles.

Sorry if I spoke my mind but I'm sure someones gonna call me a "Hater" and I could honestly careless.
Slappy Mc Nasty   +1y
so many people have ruined the "sponsorhip" in a whole in the last few years by begging for free bees and after they do get something, never sees a completion at all or the products get sold off. doing it yerself will pay bigger dividends in the end. i did try with both my last builds for paint, rims, stereo and air ride only to be told various reasons why they wouldnt, yet when they were all completed they changed their tune with "you want to upgrade those speakers?" or "we have better valves", yadee yadee yadee. thats the truth man, fuck sponsors.
decivic   +1y
Edited: 11/13/2010 4:35:20 PM by decivic

SeveredBody   +1y
wow, is this for real
wickedinsides   +1y
this is really funny
AFTBigRob   +1y
I'm glad I'm not the only one that finds this funny..............
relaxednoma   +1y
too easy
BK2LIFE   +1y
i would like to know what you want sponsored?

lowTXchevy   +1y

BK2LIFE said:

i would like to know what you want sponsored?


Probably the 2k motor build he is putting together.