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Air Ride Suspensions \  Drop Member: Nissan Hardbody

Drop Member: Nissan Hardbody

Air Ride Suspensions Q & A
views 7730
replies 74
following 25
ChadCrissDesign   +1y
This is a suspension that I designed for me and a buddy of mines trucks. His is a 2door pathy, mine is a XcabHardbody. All prototyping of this suspension was done on a work bench, and his pathy. I havnt decidedif im going to market this or not just yet. You can keep track of my updates and additions of this system thatallows our trucks to lay hard on a 22" wheel without the use of a drop spindles. For those of you that have questions feel free to ask. Ill also update the build up on my website.

gonz   +1y
badass looking suspension man
Rob Clayhill   +1y
Ive been following this on infamousnissan since you started it, and i think everything looks great besides the control arms.
to me they just seem weak, but im no professional builder. sorry bro, not tryin to talk shit.

Other than that, the setup looks rad. ill be following along to watch you finish your prototype.
How much neg. camber did this end up having layed on the 22's? i cant really tell from the pics
ChadCrissDesign   +1y
I left because scottxgtr was a bad moderator. People could talk smack all day long about what i built and he said nothing. Then when I defended this build, he had something to say. Then he locked my thread. Its tough when people just dont read and wanna throw there 2 cents in. I got frusterated having to explain my build, my design to people who have yet to produce such a item and they own fab shops. These pix show a bodydropped pathy laying 18's with this drop member and when it lifts it clears the fender by like 2 inches. Sounds perfect to me. And if later on, Richard wants to lay a 20" wheel, all he does is switch the wheels and he can lay them... a few years down the line he wants 22" wheels... once again he switches and now he lays 22's. Thats how I see it. Those other guys want to air up and clear the fender wells by 7 inchs. That kind of stuff means nothing to me. Having a Nissan hardbody lay 22's... that clowns all!

As for the control arms, there actually really strong. The bottom one took 12 tons to bend, so that right there has got to show you some strength. There in the middle of being redesigned as we speak.

Now the camber, theres not too much, I got to get my buddies 22's back from him for additional pix.
ChadCrissDesign   +1y

gonz said:

badass looking suspension man


Thanks abunch, been working hard on it brotha!
unusualfabrication   +1y

ChadCrissDesign said:

I left because scottxgtr was a bad moderator. People could talk smack all day long about what i built and he said nothing. Then when I defended this build, he had something to say. Then he locked my thread. Its tough when people just dont read and wanna throw there 2 cents in. I got frusterated having to explain my build, my design to people who have yet to produce such a item and they own fab shops. These pix show a bodydropped pathy laying 18's with this drop member and when it lifts it clears the fender by like 2 inches. Sounds perfect to me. And if later on, Richard wants to lay a 20" wheel, all he does is switch the wheels and he can lay them... a few years down the line he wants 22" wheels... once again he switches and now he lays 22's. Thats how I see it. Those other guys want to air up and clear the fender wells by 7 inchs. That kind of stuff means nothing to me. Having a Nissan hardbody lay 22's... that clowns all!

As for the control arms, there actually really strong. The bottom one took 12 tons to bend, so that right there has got to show you some strength. There in the middle of being redesigned as we speak.

Now the camber, theres not too much, I got to get my buddies 22's back from him for additional pix.


The DIB Hardbody did this with drop spindles and flipped upper control arms and it still had anti-dive built in. I think its funny, and childish, that your thread gets locked on because of you throwing fits and you run over here and cry about it. I called you out on being wishy-washy about wether it was for you or production and you got all butt hurt and you said "Your number two person on this site that has lost all site of what im doing here. Im making a part for me!" but the first thing you post on there is "I haven't decided if im going to market this or not just yet." make up your mind and it will clear up any confusion. And I guess because people who own fab shops that haven't produced this part aren't as good as you? I don't see Bio Kustomz or Chassis by Arron Iha making one of these kits......are they stupid too since they own their own fab shop? As far as the 18s and 22s, its a 4" difference so your losing 2" of lift, so if the bag isn't deflated all the way your losing lift. Not to mention how much pressure you'll have to put in the bag before the truck starts to lift, meaning it will ride harder too. I'm not trying to stir the pot but don't come onto this site playing the fiddle like you were so wronged over there. I said in most all my posts that I like the concept of what your doing and tried to offer up some suggestions for potential problems as did others who posted!
S K LAID 720   +1y
I dont know what all this ^^^^ is about... My two cents sees some sketch lower control arms. Even if it did take 12 tons to bend them your weak point is where they mount to the lower bushing. One bead with no gussets holding it all to the bushings that hold it all to the truck.... good luck with that
KEEF   +1y
As Chris stated a Hardbody can be layed out on 22's without ur "dropmember" which from what i see u designed without strength, function(other than laying out) or geometry needed to handle the road......U clearly have no anti-dive built into the setup and from the pics i see the bump steer is outta control.........I def wouldnt market such a flawed design and def wouldnt being that they have so many weak areas like where the bushings tie into arms. Im not talking shit im simply telling u what i and others see before that is put out onto a highway and someone ends up injured
ChadCrissDesign   +1y
Edited: 12/6/2010 8:26:31 AM by ChadCrissDesign


UnusualFabrication said:


ChadCrissDesign said:

I left because scottxgtr was a bad moderator. People could talk smack all day long about what i built and he said nothing. Then when I defended this build, he had something to say. Then he locked my thread. Its tough when people just dont read and wanna throw there 2 cents in. I got frusterated having to explain my build, my design to people who have yet to produce such a item and they own fab shops. These pix show a bodydropped pathy laying 18's with this drop member and when it lifts it clears the fender by like 2 inches. Sounds perfect to me. And if later on, Richard wants to lay a 20" wheel, all he does is switch the wheels and he can lay them... a few years down the line he wants 22" wheels... once again he switches and now he lays 22's. Thats how I see it. Those other guys want to air up and clear the fender wells by 7 inchs. That kind of stuff means nothing to me. Having a Nissan hardbody lay 22's... that clowns all!

As for the control arms, there actually really strong. The bottom one took 12 tons to bend, so that right there has got to show you some strength. There in the middle of being redesigned as we speak.

Now the camber, theres not too much, I got to get my buddies 22's back from him for additional pix.


The DIB Hardbody did this with drop spindles and flipped upper control arms and it still had anti-dive built in. I think its funny, and childish, that your thread gets locked on because of you throwing fits and you run over here and cry about it. I called you out on being wishy-washy about wether it was for you or production and you got all butt hurt and you said "Your number two person on this site that has lost all site of what im doing here. Im making a part for me!" but the first thing you post on there is "I haven't decided if im going to market this or not just yet." make up your mind and it will clear up any confusion. And I guess because people who own fab shops that haven't produced this part aren't as good as you? I don't see Bio Kustomz or Chassis by Arron Iha making one of these kits......are they stupid too since they own their own fab shop? As far as the 18s and 22s, its a 4" difference so your losing 2" of lift, so if the bag isn't deflated all the way your losing lift. Not to mention how much pressure you'll have to put in the bag before the truck starts to lift, meaning it will ride harder too. I'm not trying to stir the pot but don't come onto this site playing the fiddle like you were so wronged over there. I said in most all my posts that I like the concept of what your doing and tried to offer up some suggestions for potential problems as did others who posted!


Thats thue, the dib hardbody did do it, so why do you sell upper a-arms for droping a hardbody on your website if there not needed? You cant judge the over all lift of your ride on wheel size.

As for over a the other site, saying stuff like "As far as the 18s and 22s, its a 4" difference so your losing 2" of lift, so if the bag isn't deflated all the way your losing lift. Saying stuff like "Not to mention how much pressure you'll have to put in the bag before the truck starts to lift" Sense I have no idea who you are, and you have never seem this design in person, and have no idea what its going to do, how can you comment? You were the one that read throu 25 plus pages of a build thread and thought that I was building this for 24" wheels. In the beggining ya I thaught that I wanted to market this. Then I realized that its alot of work involved to do that so like any free american I changed my mind. Then you comment on laying a smalled sized wheel. What size am I building this thing for? 22" thats why I designed this because thats what I have. Aaron Iha does, and designs suspensions all day using cad programs just like I did... Do you do any research before you run your lips. Dude go back to ripping off cando a-arms man. Im sick of you wasting my time. Inclosed is a pic of a truck suspension Aaron Iha designed and built..." border="0" alt="" /> Flat welded a-arms and all...

post photo
tre5   +1y
What size welder do you have? Turn it up or buy one that will put more heat into your welds. They look like they are just sitting on top of the metal... no penetration. Along with a lot of other flaws.
If you are going to build flat plate arms, use at least 1/2" and never put a bend like that in them. You can see where the metal started to split in one of the pics... how strong is that?
The idea is cool, but there are problems with it. One, the geometry doesn't appear to be thought out very well. The Biggest problem, you don't need it. The cross member on the nissans lays flat with the frame.