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Air Ride Suspensions \  Drop Member: Nissan Hardbody

Drop Member: Nissan Hardbody

Air Ride Suspensions Q & A
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replies 74
following 25
unusualfabrication   +1y

ChadCrissDesign said:

Edited: 12/6/2010 8:26:31 AM by ChadCrissDesign


UnusualFabrication said:


ChadCrissDesign said:

I left because scottxgtr was a bad moderator. People could talk smack all day long about what i built and he said nothing. Then when I defended this build, he had something to say. Then he locked my thread. Its tough when people just dont read and wanna throw there 2 cents in. I got frusterated having to explain my build, my design to people who have yet to produce such a item and they own fab shops. These pix show a bodydropped pathy laying 18's with this drop member and when it lifts it clears the fender by like 2 inches. Sounds perfect to me. And if later on, Richard wants to lay a 20" wheel, all he does is switch the wheels and he can lay them... a few years down the line he wants 22" wheels... once again he switches and now he lays 22's. Thats how I see it. Those other guys want to air up and clear the fender wells by 7 inchs. That kind of stuff means nothing to me. Having a Nissan hardbody lay 22's... that clowns all!

As for the control arms, there actually really strong. The bottom one took 12 tons to bend, so that right there has got to show you some strength. There in the middle of being redesigned as we speak.

Now the camber, theres not too much, I got to get my buddies 22's back from him for additional pix.


The DIB Hardbody did this with drop spindles and flipped upper control arms and it still had anti-dive built in. I think its funny, and childish, that your thread gets locked on because of you throwing fits and you run over here and cry about it. I called you out on being wishy-washy about wether it was for you or production and you got all butt hurt and you said "Your number two person on this site that has lost all site of what im doing here. Im making a part for me!" but the first thing you post on there is "I haven't decided if im going to market this or not just yet." make up your mind and it will clear up any confusion. And I guess because people who own fab shops that haven't produced this part aren't as good as you? I don't see Bio Kustomz or Chassis by Arron Iha making one of these kits......are they stupid too since they own their own fab shop? As far as the 18s and 22s, its a 4" difference so your losing 2" of lift, so if the bag isn't deflated all the way your losing lift. Not to mention how much pressure you'll have to put in the bag before the truck starts to lift, meaning it will ride harder too. I'm not trying to stir the pot but don't come onto this site playing the fiddle like you were so wronged over there. I said in most all my posts that I like the concept of what your doing and tried to offer up some suggestions for potential problems as did others who posted!


Thats thue, the dib hardbody did do it, so why do you sell upper a-arms for droping a hardbody on your website if there not needed? You cant judge the over all lift of your ride on wheel size. As for over a the other site, saying stuff like "As far as the 18s and 22s, its a 4" difference so your losing 2" of lift, so if the bag isn't deflated all the way your losing lift. Saying stuff like "Not to mention how much pressure you'll have to put in the bag before the truck starts to lift" Sense I have no idea who you are, and you have never seem this design in person, and have no idea what its going to do, how can you comment? You were the one that read throu 25 plus pages of a build thread and thought that I was building this for 24" wheels. In the beggining ya I thaught that I wanted to market this. Then I realized that its alot of work involved to do that so like any free american I changed my mind. Then you comment on laying a smalled sized wheel. What size am I building this thing for? 22" thats why I designed this because thats what I have. Aaron Iha does, and designs suspensions all day using cad programs just like I did... Do you do any research before you run your lips. Dude go back to ripping off cando a-arms man. Im sick of you wasting my time. Inclosed is a pic of a truck suspension Aaron Iha designed and built..." border="0" alt="" /> Flat welded a-arms and all...


I sell the arms that I make on my site because they are functional and I like the look of them. The stock arms lay on a 18 but theres just not enough degree in the upper ballljoint plate for a 245/35/20 (very common wheel and tire size). Flip them over and they have enough for a 22 but they lock out before you untuck a 245/35/20. I've ran though all these senario's on my truck. No, you can't judge the overall lift of your ride on the wheel size but you can judge it on where the suspension is set up to the wheel and tire size you are running. Why does it matter if you know who I am for me to share my opinion? If you can't take critiques about your work don't post on a public forum about a part that "you may or may not market". I never said I read the entire thread on infamous nissan and thought this kit was for 24s, other people brought up 24s and YOU even brought up 26s! As for ripping of Cando arms, there a tons of people who sell tubular control arms and just as many that sell flat plate arms and you can only do so much to change them. I guess your ripping off Chassis by Aaron Iha and Michigan Metal Works then since you made some flat arms huh...... I have seen Aarons work, all of which appears to be nicely designed, executed, and fabricated! No ones doubting flat plate arms, just the strenght of yours. MMW has been very sucessful with his line of flat plate arms.
post photo
waynehammer   +1y
i think it is an awesome design. def needs some more work but is looking fretty good. some tube arms would be nice. and it does look like you need a bigger welder. but i like what you have done. look into some of the things people have mentioned about the geometry of the design and i think you will have an awesome product. someone is always gonna be "better" at these things and will always have shitty things to say, but you have to start somewhere and it takes time and i think people have lost sight of that. dont let them bug you, just consider what they are saying... its normaly for a reason
jeebus @ mmw   +1y
Edited: 12/6/2010 11:29:43 AM by Chopped Mazda

Aside from the design flaws......those welds are scary!

Also, just for the sake of saying it, thosre lowers arms wont last like that. Ive tested every thickness from .250 to 1" thick plate for lowers on everything from minis to full size trucks. Thats just way way to thin for a lower control arm, they will bend within a few hours on the road, and with the way you have the bag loaded on the arm, I wouldnt be suprised if they bent pulling out of the driveway.. ... if the welds done snap off of them first.


ChadCrissDesign   +1y
Ya im deff going to redesign the lowers. thanks for all the normal positive input fellas. Unusual, Your a-arms look exactly like cando's, nothing of mine looks like aarons. As for the welds on the lowers, those were welded with a welder that Ive never used before and were just for mock up. Im having someone else weld up the final product. One the new design is complete for the lowers ill post up the pics.
e10pvmt   +1y
you could thicken up the arms by using drop spindles....i dont understand the reluctance to use drop spindles so much.....who gives a shit if you use drop spindles.....they work great and are the best piece of suspension lowering equipment someone could by.....i have never understood the "ya well i did it without drop spindles" argument.
unusualfabrication   +1y
Whatever makes you feel better Chad, lol! I really don't care if my arms are similar to candos,, DHP, or MMW. I've been down this road before and there's only so much you can do to a part like that. I would put money on the fact that if you measured the arms and compared, they'd be way different. The only visible difference between yours an Aarons is he cut some pieces out of the top, whoa! LOL, anyways like I've said from the get go, I like the concept you just need to do some homework on suspension design and fix the flaws that many others have pointed out on two seperate forums now.... Good luck and best wishes!
GraphicDisorder   +1y
Lets keep it civil guys.
smctoy   +1y
looks awesome!
ScottXGTR   +1y

ChadCrissDesign said:

I left because scottxgtr was a bad moderator.


Yeah, Im a terrible administrator. I let you spit in the face of 3 people who build suspension parts for a living, who tried to give you advice. I even waited for the second time you did it to close your thread.

I tried giving you professional advice because no one will want to deal with you if you behave like a child. You got upset after people asked a few questions. Well guess what, if you ever decide to market this, you are going to get a lot of stupid repetitive questions from all sorts of potential buyers. If you plan to do business on my website, you will do so in a professional manner.

All that said, I hope you realize after getting some advice here that we were indeed trying to help you. Open your ears, and drop your ego and youll be a success. If/when you are ready to come back, your other threads are still open.

FireCrotch   +1y
wow this shit is scary