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Build-Ups General Discussions
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burnzya   +1y
so she got tired of waiting for a truck that was supposed to be done, and now she is left with a carcass of her former truck?

that is complete and total bullshit in my opinion. it was a mostly complete truck when i last seen it at bring the noize, you should at a minimum leave her where she started..
WeightLimit   +1y
So in other words...she's doing you a favor....and your getting the easy way out...and she shouldn't be expected to wait forever for her truck to be done...even if it was free...which is from your own doing...

WeightLimit said:

So in other words...she's doing you a favor....and your getting the easy way out...and she shouldn't be expected to wait forever for her truck to be done...even if it was free...which is from your own doing...


probably should read it again she is gaining i am loosing.....her truck was not dismanteled just need the body bolted on....she got a free air ride, free sheet metal work, soda blast more worried how i will compensate kurt for his time ....but he made his choice too ...i am trying to help him because of the use of his shop and some missing stuff that just because i was there makes me responsible.....and remember this is amys choice not mine i talked till i was blue in the face and stood by my commitment....time line didnt work out for me....probably never would have worked and you throw everything bad in the mix .....she understands her choice and there4 were alot of stipulationals.....not doing me any favors...i am out so weel as everyone just trying some way to make it right for the companies now....
How would the sponsors be out if she takes it and finishes the truck?

If finished right the truck will get ink. She's a member on here so she can run a build thread showcasing their products. She is an active member in the scene that goes to shows.

jeebus @ mmw   +1y


here is the update ....amy whit is no longer wanting her truck build by me...thats fine she is the boss....tried to talk to her and convince her and can talk to anyone else they wont even let me talk....they are good people but i guess they cant wait and have a ton of friends to get it done....chris at auto culture donated all his stuff to her kurt donated all his work....i have too many sponsors i promised a truck for and all the contest rule were broken before i started any build at all....i am getting another body and cab in a week already paid for and i will finish all of this on my own .....this is now a showcase for the sponsors that still are involved and i plan on parking it in each location or business or doing something to benifit .....i will do what i can but i am not begging anyone anymore for me to finish a free truck shouldnt have is still on best wishes to amy and her truck i hope its all she ever wanted....all of her truck is still intacked just needs the airride put back in and the body back on.....i did this because there were earlier all that want to know my shop is now back on track and caught up...i got my life back...sold my contenental ....and im moving out to a new location three weeks or less already set up a mile away...better facilities wAY BETTER.....times are bad lost the shop need to move....almost lost my family,friends,home, and myself but i wont go down....on my way back up so fast make your head lucky i guess.....i will post pics soon thanks


LOL, the worst part is literally everyone else saw this coming a LONG time ago, when you hadent even bothered to start the project untill a month before SEMA. Dude, how can you blame her for not wanting to wait any longer, you told her you would finish it for SEMA, and didnt really even get any work done on it untill a couple weeks before SEMA.

This whole thing was a joke from the get go, the people who initatied and put this in gear should be ashamed. End this thread with a mighty fail stamp, and close it down. Hopefully nobody remembers this horse shit.


StockfloorYota   +1y
I went through a situation exactly like this. I had to go to the guys "shop" and check on shit 300 or so miles away. He got the truck early in the summer and didn't touch it until October sometime. I had to call him twice a week for updates and he still lied about shit. I made him come to MY house, take up MY time, sleep and eat in MY house, just to get MY truck finished 4-6 months AFTER the deadline. Things were done wrong, still.

I don't blame her one bit for coming and getting her truck if she has friends that can finish it. Regardless of any work you put into it, you got over on her and really don't show any remorse except to the sponsors and your buddy at Autocore. At least it seems that way on here. You've made an excuse for everything that's gone wrong.

You knew you couldn't finish this in a month, which is why you took it in months before the deadline. Why didn't you hop on it then? Why did you wait a month until the deadline to tear into the truck? You took someone's property and just let it sit with a deadline approaching. Shops that do this need to close their doors and think about what they can do better, before taking in more work.
NC Goose   +1y
This thread is officially closed.

Before I close it, I just want to point out that there are fucked up things on both sides of the fence, with Jimmy and Amy. While I completely agree that Jimmy fucked up and dropped the ball, Amy was not exactly innocent in certain circumstances either. I'm not going to bring up specifics as this whole deal is fucked.

While Street Source helped Jimmy organize the contest by bringing participants together with AZ ArtWorkx, we clearly stated in the contest rules that our involvement was nothing more than bringing two people together and to cover the vehicle when finished. We did not help gather sponsors, make promises that things would be done by a certain date, etc. That was all on AZ ArtWorkx.

This will be the last time we do ANYTHING like this again, unless we can control all aspects of the build and only with proven builders.