Edited: 6/6/2011 9:40:48 PM by baggedexpo
I almost forgot to post this up, on the way to Ekstensive I damn near died because the front steering was so f***** up, anyways here is a pic of the tie rod end links (Medicated Metalworks's fabrication), excuse me if that isn't what they are called. I don't know if they are supposed to be crooked like that but what I do know is that they were not long enough and whenever I hit a bump it felt like my truck was going to flip (There was alot more things wrong with the steering, I will have more pics soon). Steering wheel was all to s***. No one wanted to align it because they wanted nothing to do with the truck. Another thing is that I don't want people to believe that I am a ass because I am far from that. I just want to say that messing someone's ride up can really put you in a situation like the one I am in. I could of hurt someone or hurt myself. Whether you want to take it to Justin Brill or not is up to you, I can only share my experience with them. Thanks for all the support guys