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cars in minitruckin

Minitruckin' Magazine
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89s dime   +1y
Originally posted by Big Dee

Originally posted by 89s dime

i loved it when there used to be a car featured once in a great while. I used to love euro lowrider but i dont think thats around anymore?

As much as i would love to see cars featured...its called miniTRUCKIN' for a reason. BUT, im all for it

Then why are there Explorers, 4-Runners, Pathfinders, Scion Xbs, etc... in the mag...? Those are not Minitrucks.

your right, its splitting hairs at this point, Mini inspired cars, SUV's, XB's, and the fact that the only actual MINI out there is the ranger. Everything is mid size now, so they should call it miditruckin. hah...jk
acrotoy   +1y
i think its time i give all this shit up and go to street rods,haters and pricks have takin over this scene,im sorry but i will not be renewing my sub. this year when it runs out cause im basically just tired of seeing s-10's and shit every year
--------------------------------------------- Originally posted by dragginazzaccord i think its time i give all this shit up and go to street rods,haters and pricks have takin over this scene,im sorry but i will not be renewing my sub. this year when it runs out cause im basically just tired of seeing s-10's and shit every year --------------------------------------------- So street rods will swing open their arms and embrace everyone? The skies will part and a light will beam down and make all right in the world? Street rods have way more 'hate' as people call it then here. They are on a much larger scale. They actually allow different mags that cover different areas of their 'scene, sport, lifestyle'. Opinions are not hate. It's only called hate when you don't agree or are losing the conversation.   Hell a prick built your truck and drove it across the US for a photoshoot.   Have fun on the community Hot Rod boards then. Try the HAMB. They NEVER give you an opinion that you won't agree with.   The S-10 is like a Ford in their world. Common in custom because they are easier to get. Why is it not hate that you don't like S-10s? Why is it not hate that you call people haters and pricks?    

xxpapabearxx   +1y
Originally posted by SPICY2

no no no its mini TRUCKIN if it had cars and crap id be one less reader just because you call yourself a mintrucker and have a mintruck inspired car with minitruck paint tweed big chrome wheels and bags still dont make it a minituck if you were a REAL minitrucker you'd be showing and building a miniTRUCK not a car of fullsize....................if theres enough out there like that then somebody make a new mag and call it minitrucker wannabees sorry but a real mintrucker dont go to the car lot and look at the honda and tacoma and choose the honda

Comments like this sometimes shows the ignorance of a person... Hondas aren't the only car and just cuz over half of them are own by asians and use them for racing doesn't mean they are all like that, and like you have prolly read in hear, most minitruckers own mini inspired cars... You must be againts it cuz maybe some of these you call minitrucking wannabees have better minitrucking inspired cars then you have trucks... I agree with wut some people say, it gets boring seeing S10 on the magazine and now it seem to be more advertisements then features... They're running out of bad ass trucks to feature... But just thought I would bring this up...

xxpapabearxx   +1y
Originally posted by BclassBD

Edited: 9/19/2008 3:22:59 PM by BclassBD

Well then people shouldnt call theirselves a mini truck club if they have cars in it then huh?

Exactly... Why are "hardcore" minitruckers so afraid of minitrucking inspired cars in the magazine?!.

xxpapabearxx   +1y
Originally posted by e10pvmt

How about a supplement to the when they used to do the wheel and tire supplement and the mag came in a plastic bag...that way if you dont want cars in your truck mag then toss could be a once a year thing....i somewhat agree with keepin them outta the main mag....but can see where there isn't a mag for you.....and the shelves are littered with ricer mags to no end.

I agree with the suppliment issue thing and about the ricer magazines they actually don't like our scene our minitruck inspired car and I know this because one of the editors from import tuner and another mag told me that minitruckin inspired cars bring shame to the cars... I know miniturkers don't care about that so why act like them and see every import as a rice burner, I won't lie, yeah I let mine off sometimes cuz I like to punk on mustangs but it doesn't take it away from being a mini inspired car...

xxpapabearxx   +1y
Originally posted by ///RELAXED 720

I for one agree CARS SHOULD BE LET IN MT..I don't hear anyone bitchin "what the hell is a van/suv doin in MT"....a van ISN'T a truck What about a SUV a 4runner ISN'T a truck I'll use the same question that was asked above..... how can a "minitrucker" look @ a taco & a 4runner & then pick the 4runner...the mag isn't call MINIVANIN or MINISUVIN ..Times change there are cars out that are badder than most of the cover trucks nowadays(ie that hatch up there ^^^^^ & Adams honda from NC) I would love to pick up an issue & see a 2 ride cover say Adams honda & lets say the mistu from Driveway Werks.. I also agree w. the statement that it would increase readers & prolly increase sales... So would you rather pick up MT & see a car or 2 a month or get on SSM & read a thread from Mike sayin that MT is no longer gonna be printed? So in closing GET OVER IT & LET THE CARS IN........

Culdn't agree more... That hatch is bad ass...
xxpapabearxx   +1y
Originally posted by grip

Originally posted by FXDGRND

Tito pushed to get one car in an issue. Josh's civic was in the lenny gruever issue. Tito said the amount of hate mail was massive for the idea.

There was euro lowrider which turned into Edge and now its not about cars from what I recall.Import Racer actually shot a few of our rides for issues but flipped to the racer side almost instantly.

Minitruck inspired cars are a small portion of the grand sport compact movement. Araz's Accord, maroon accord above, was bitchin. Perfect idea. Notched unibody, crazy stereo tons of bodymods. But its an accord. So thats not a mini car. If you open it up to cars then it goes 'What cars?' there were many fullsize cars shown above. Imanis accord 'simple green' was so clean. Crazy mods and absolutely everything chrome or polished underneath. BUT there is alot of hate on alot of the rides posted. Many view them as "DUB" rides.

The headaches of classifying which car would qualify almost would not make it not worth it. Depending on which editor you talk to the car issues hurt sales. The problem was some of the rides were more ricer then minitruckin.

I could glance a car across the show grounds and instantly tell you how its classed.There isn't alot of confusion as to what group something falls into.I think what offended so many people back in the day was the import influence with the bodykits and the big surface wheels.There was so much hate back then towards tuners it was crazy.Cars in minitruckin should follow the same basic criteria as the trucks.Bodydrop is almost a must in my book along with clean traditional style.The pickins are a bit better now than they where back in the day with fifty thousand dollar luxury cars bodydropped on big clean wheels.I could name a dozen worthy of feature that we all know and have

They're running out of trucks for minitruckin that they shot a truck that wasn't body dropped... So wut does that tell you?.. Oh and that truck was the issue that's out there right now... They need more to see... One a month, every other month or 2 a year it doesn't matter they shuld just give credit and recognize those that have built their rides cuz they have been inspired by the scene...

Lagz   +1y
i think cars should be allowed. but not so much features.. as pics of show coverage... mt grafiti, or what not. it IS minitruckin.. and thats why i buy it. but it would be cool to see some of the badass stuff that also goes to shows.

they dont really put pics of fullsizes in mini truckin.. but wheres the thread on that?
xxpapabearxx   +1y
Originally posted by PHATTIREGUY


Another ignorant person that sees all cars as ricers... I'de figured by now people who be able to tell the difference between a custom show car and a ricer... But I guess that time has yet to arrive...