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cars in minitruckin

Minitruckin' Magazine
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xxpapabearxx   +1y
Originally posted by huskerdually

They should only be in the mag if pulling a boat.

Fine me a hitch that'll fit on my car now and I'll pull a boat...

billybob   +1y
funny someone says call hotrod mag and tell them to put minitrucks in there , LOL idiot they did , more than once , truckin started minitruckin, and when minitruckin mag had cars in it it was called minitruckin' and custom compacts , ( i believe a custom compact is a car , correct me if im wrong , ) so minitruckin would change back to what they once were and be called , minitruckin' and custom copacts , the only thing it will do with the change , is create more readers and maybe save a mag from goin under , i have every issue of MT and MT&CC except the past year or so , as for me whorin the nmag to what im buildin? i build no budget street rods , and muscle cars , and will will never see me post that i want them in MT , i think its funny all the i dont want cars in MT , if you dont like it , dont look at those pages ,,, whose gonna force ya to read the article and stare at the car , most people dont read every truck article in the nmag , i know i sure dont ,,,, i rarly see a truck in the mag that intrest me anymore ,,,usually the cover truck , so i say "all you guys bitchin' should get off the computer and finish your so called bad ass truck so we can have something interesting to look at in MT or put some cars in there !!!) cause as of right now MT is boring as shit !!!!!!!!!!
purplekush   +1y
nah... they'd have to cut back on all the stupidass boats they got goin on now a days in the mags... i dont know what the world would do without a boat in a TRUCK magazine
  --------------------------------------------- Originally posted by billybob funny someone says call hotrod mag and tell them to put minitrucks in there , LOL idiot they did , more than once , truckin started minitruckin, and when minitruckin mag had cars in it it was called minitruckin' and custom compacts , ( i believe a custom compact is a car , correct me if im wrong , ) so minitruckin would change back to what they once were and be called , minitruckin' and custom copacts , the only thing it will do with the change , is create more readers and maybe save a mag from goin under , i have every issue of MT and MT&CC except the past year or so , as for me whorin the nmag to what im buildin? i build no budget street rods , and muscle cars , and will will never see me post that i want them in MT , i think its funny all the i dont want cars in MT , if you dont like it , dont look at those pages ,,, whose gonna force ya to read the article and stare at the car , most people dont read every truck article in the nmag , i know i sure dont ,,,, i rarly see a truck in the mag that intrest me anymore ,,,usually the cover truck , so i say "all you guys bitchin' should get off the computer and finish your so called bad ass truck so we can have something interesting to look at in MT or put some cars in there !!!) cause as of right now MT is boring as shit !!!!!!!!!! --------------------------------------------- Seems that if you weren't pushing to have a ride put in the mag the comments wouldnt be directed at you. But hey if you want to take offense do so.

If Hot rod did good for them. Glad to hear it. So the person that is so offended by 'the scene' will be welcome with open arms. Glad they will have a niche when they move on.

custom compacts is a car. Cookie for you. But notice the word 'Compact'. It does not relate to fullsize vehicles as some have pushed in this thread. MT was called that for a year. But compacts were removed and everyone sang the praises of lance when he did it. I personally thought 3 pages to one car wouldnt hurt anyone. We had many more rides lined up. Maybe we should close the thread and start a new one since people just read the last page and seem to think nothing was said before it. Just to help people out I'll put up all my posts on this thread.

Posted - 19 September 2008 20:12

Tito pushed to get one car in an issue. Josh's civic was in the lenny gruever issue. Tito said the amount of hate mail was massive for the idea. There was euro lowrider which turned into Edge and now its not about cars from what I recall. Import Racer actually shot a few of our rides for issues but flipped to the racer side almost instantly. Minitruck inspired cars are a small portion of the grand sport compact movement. Araz's Accord, maroon accord above, was b***hin. Perfect idea. Notched unibody, crazy stereo tons of bodymods. But its an accord. So thats not a mini car. If you open it up to cars then it goes 'What cars?' there were many fullsize cars shown above. Imanis accord 'simple green' was so clean. Crazy mods and absolutely everything chrome or polished underneath. BUT there is alot of hate on alot of the rides posted. Many view them as "DUB" rides. The headaches of classifying which car would qualify almost would not make it not worth it. Depending on which editor you talk to the car issues hurt sales. The problem was some of the rides were more ricer then minitruckin.

Posted - 19 September 2008 21:18

Grip-- "I could glance a car across the show grounds and instantly tell you how its classed.There isn't alot of confusion as to what group something falls into.I think what offended so many people back in the day was the import influence with the bodykits and the big surface wheels.There was so much hate back then towards tuners it was crazy. Cars in minitruckin should follow the same basic criteria as the trucks.Bodydrop is almost a must in my book along with clean traditional style. The pickins are a bit better now than they where back in the day with fifty thousand dollar luxury cars bodydropped on big clean wheels.I could name a dozen worthy of feature that we all know and have seen in videos,threads,shows but are never takin to press because they have no outlet.AON has a few."

What are big surface wheels? Look at the thread there is still disagreement on it. If its changed since then great. I was a fan of it because we have always had a good mix of cars since the mid 90's. If people can now see across a showfield and see it.. what is different then before? Was Tito incorrect in round 1 of it. Was his vision cloudy? I'm not playing my opinion is right so it is so. I'm just wondering what has changed. A fullsize car should not be in minitruckin. Look at the name of the vehicle that should some it up. I personally think there should be some cars mixed in. If Mike A can pull it off with the powers that be then good for him.

Posted - 19 September 2008 21:38

So you want fullsize cars in a mini related mag. Why not shoot fullsize trucks then? They are of the mini style. That sort of thing would just be a rebranded Grinder which was a great mag. Galen could tell you all about that.

Posted - 19 September 2008 22:0

The main complaint round one was. That was 3 pages that could have been used for a truck. By the philosophy given many magazines are wrong then by taking their titles literally. Why have different branded magazines like the many that are out there then? Just merge it into one large one. It would give a wider selection and increase the content for the buyer. I don't see an argument back just a philosophy. By using philosophy there is no argument because statements will get twisted, rendering points useless. It's rather egotistical on the minitruckin side to think that cars, fullsizes, etc. are based off of minitrucks instead of their respective style. You get into a chicken or the egg argument.

Posted - 20 September 2008 21:38

Someone put on here being told to go to lowrider is offensive etc. Where did adjustable suspension minitrucks come from? They are an offshoot of the lowrider circuit more so then the van circuit. Most real, time not down for, old school people had wires, fender trim etc on their rides..For people to say open your eyes and embrace everything then slam lowriders is amazing. So much contradiction in some of these views it’s amazing. If you want to group rides then push this. Fullsize cars should be in Truckin. They are fullsize truck pointed and would be fitting to that. With occasional Minitruckin style feature as it is now. Mid to mini cars should be in Minitruckin. There then you group rides as the trucks are. Minitruckin has always features minivans. So that should not be a flash news But seriously, people should really look at what they post and see if they contradict themselves. This thread is amusing in the fact that people trying to push a view step over themselves. Even arguing with their own points. You won't see a hot rod style minitruck in a rod magazine. Magazines have niches for a reason. As this thread has proven. There is the same issue as when Courtney did it Round 1. So has the checkered flag hit on this race. Because we are well past the finish line in laps.

Posted - 28 November 2008 18:18

Brian and Crew had this very magazine. It was called Grinder. It covered all forms of rides and 'lifestyle' etc.. They brought it back to feature cars. It was Bi Monthly originally, then monthly. Then gone. Then quarterly. Maybe Brian is still working on it. <img src=""> Again since the horse is past beaten on this subject and just a pile of rubble. Minitruckin. If it did feature cars they should be mid to compact cars. Like Tito Did. Oh don't make it sound like 'minitruck' inspired cars is something new. It's not we've been doing it for years. Midsized trucks etc. Gotcha. S-10 has ALWAYS been a midsized truck. So the horse is powder on that one. XB seriously? wow. But by the criteria people are asking for it would fit. It's a car. Fullsize cars are great in the channels they have available. Fullsize trucks have a few channels. Question for people that get mad about fullsize vehicles not getting in mt... Do you go to mcdonalds and order taco bell? When they tell you no do you get mad? My point throughout this has been compacts have been tried. And the hate was immense. I thought the one an issue was nice. But the 3 pages dedicated to a car 'should have had a truck' according to the mail that was sent. To the just add pages crowd. If it were that simple mags would change size all the time. It's not as simple as just putting in more pages. With more pages you need more advertising to cover the more pages. Magazines have been shrinking from lack of advertising. Right now the only stable or growing magazine in the mix is diesel power. Sad but true. This is not just run down to kinko and hit copy. Mike A has alot of bs to deal with just to get out what is out. No matter what someone is not going to be happy. Maybe Mike or Eddy can answer this one. How did Lowrider Euro's sales go when it went to "Edge" then Edge lifestyle? If someone can answer this question then it will some up what MT's direction would go if wanted to try the end all be all. If it is not financially feasible to do it and basically suicide then no company would risk it. Look at the survey results. Just over 2000 votes. So if that is the amount of interest shown that should be a good indication of things. I know this site gets more than 2000 visitors a day.

Posted - 19 December 2008 22:52


 Arent we to the dead horse part of that thread yet? Same people post the SAME things over and over and over. Anytime someone voices their opinion the same responses are given.

Got it you want to whore out MT to whatever you are building at the moment.

Got it you want to put fullsize cars in a mini mag.

Got it you don't understand what a mini SUV is

Got it that you do not accept democratic votes

I hope if you start reading Hot Rod you will email them why you are not in it or if you read playboy why your vehicle isnt in there. 

How about the national enquirer? Why doesn't TMZ cover the drama that is minitruckin lifestyle? They should because seems that many feel its a be all item.

And attacking people that own cars for their view when you are trying to get what they own in is just special to say the least. Might want to check out the people you are trying to rip on before you try to fire back on their opinions.

Posted - 20 December 2008 14:9

--------------------------------------------- Originally posted by dragginazzaccord i think its time i give all this shit up and go to street rods,haters and pricks have takin over this scene,im sorry but i will not be renewing my sub. this year when it runs out cause im basically just tired of seeing s-10's and shit every year ---------------------------------------------

So street rods will swing open their arms and embrace everyone? The skies will part and a light will beam down and make all right in the world? Street rods have way more 'hate' as people call it then here. They are on a much larger scale. They actually allow different mags that cover different areas of their 'scene, sport, lifestyle'.

Opinions are not hate. It's only called hate when you don't agree or are losing the conversation.

Hell a prick built your truck and drove it across the US for a photoshoot.

 Have fun on the community Hot Rod boards then. Try the HAMB. They NEVER give you an opinion that you won't agree with.

 The S-10 is like a Ford in their world. Common in custom because they are easier to get. Why is it not hate that you don't like S-10s? Why is it not hate that you call people haters and pricks?

k24 rd6   +1y
Have to skip Jim's post it is way too long for me right now.

I really think these supposed minitruckers that don't want cars in the mag are just posers. Who is more of a minitrucker, someone airbagging a cookie cutter s-10 or someone who hacks up fwd unibody to lay it out?
gorillagarage   +1y
Originally posted by curlyz24

I think it's a great idea. Car guys just don't have anything to strive for anymore since Lowrider Euro and Highbeams went away. It's every minitrucker's goal to be featured in Minitruckin', and I think we should be able to have the same dreams. It would be nice to have some mags of our own, but we don't. Mags like Sport Compact Car, Super Street, and Honda Tuning are not for us, and are not gonna put cars like mine or the Honda above in them. Instead of everyone getting all worked up over this, just remember that we all do this for the same reasons; so whatever is on the pages it's just helping our hobby/sport/lifestyle to grow. CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG!

not to be a douchbag but your car looks like a tuner to me. i say if it has a body kit its not mini inspired just my opinion not trying to bust your balls or anything
gold_standard   +1y
Edited: 8/21/2009 5:04:19 PM by curlyz24

Never said mine was "mini inspired". It's a custom compact with a lot more body and suspension mods than engine mods, so it's really not a tuner either.  Iif it was inspird by anything it would have to be lowriders; which is really what started this whole scene. I don't really try to catagorize it, I just do what I think looks good; and I know everyone has their own opinions, and that's cool too.
post photo
dailydraggn   +1y
Custom Boats in mini truckin next????
KEG Media   +1y
Originally posted by curlyz24

Never said mine was "mini inspired". It's a custom compact with a lot more body and suspension mods than engine mods, so it's really not a tuner either. I started it before trucks even got popular; so if it was inspird by anything it would have to be lowriders; which is really what started this whole scene. I don't really try to catagorize it, I just do what I think looks good; and I know everyone has their own opinions, and that's cool too.hate to bust your bubble man but your car is a 97. if you started it the day you got it, trucks were already popular in 97. i had been to plenty of truck shows way before then.