That is a great question. When I first cycled the suspension fully the bags touched the frame arch a bit too much for my liking. So I pushed the air bag back a bit on the axle mount to compensate for this. This solved the issue and did not allow the bag to bunch up and touch the frame arch.
By moving the bag back I got the bag to be almost perfectly straight up and down in the middle of the axle arc. As far as the pinion angle goes, because of the long link arms it really does not change that much and make the bags bend all over the place.
I had another video I shot on the same day as the others. I did not use it because the camera was making a beeping noise so I cut it out. I just posted it to YouTube. Check it out and watch the bags move. Only at the bottom of the stroke is there much movement of the air bag, but it is not that much. Also you can see the watts link move as well.
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Let me know what you think.