my insurance company told me that I have to submit to them what I will be doing and how it will be done. Then it gets sent to processing and if they like it, they will approve it. The guy wasnt supposed to tell me this but, he said that if you lower your truck with airbags, you are almost guarenteed to be covered for liability, only thing to insure your truck is they have to have it inspected by the state patrol to make sure its all good, then they will insure the truck but not your air ride. If you want the air ride insured, they have to appraise it and it will cost more.
He also told me that if I planned on lifting my old 4x4, most likely they would turn me down. Statisticly, people driving in modified 4x4 get in more accidents then people in lowered cars and trucks.
Just call your insurance company and tell them you were planning on modifying your suspension and you wanted to see what how they went about insuring it, they dont have to know if you do it, but it is a good idea to find out what they do.
on the cell phone thing, you would not believe how helpfull that has been for my uncle. He has replaced his phone 4 times in one month.
1. fell off his belt while riding on a motorcycle
2. leaned over to look at his coffee and it dropped right in a fried it
3. just up and lost it
4. was putting air in his tire, got into his car, backed up over a little bump, he didnt think anything of it, got to his job to discover he left his phone at home, when he got home, he found the crushed remains of his phone in the driveway.
some people have bad luck with things