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General Discussion \  mini truckin' (in my own words and some quotes)

mini truckin' (in my own words and some quotes)

General Discussion
views 5577
replies 33
following 14
immortal1 (linn)   +1y
Interesting topic. Can't say I have been at it quite as long as BJ, but my list of customized rides is probably longer than most. Been into the mini-truckin & lowrider scene for more than 15 years and before that it was muscle cars and bikes. LaydoutB26 said he is in it for life - he just might be, but I have to agree with 1HotDawg, priorities usually do change as life goes on. Heck, for that matter mine might change, but I dought it. If my friends were to post a comment they would probably tell ya I will be choppin and customizin rides until the pry the plazma cutter from my cold dead hand
1hotdawg   +1y
Thank you lol.

I'm not saying it's a bad thing. My point was simply most will fall away, or atleast MT will mean a whole lot less in the future to you. Hey I definitely know there are some who will remain, like hocbj, but I think they are few and far between. Just knowing you're 17, and knowing how I thought at 17, I said some of the same things, just about different things lol, and none of it came to fruition lol...THANK GOD!

I thought "when I have kids they can do anything they want to...I gonna have a Rotti and name him MotherF******!" I thought I too would always have a lowered vehicle, and I have during different points of my life. Thought I'd drink for ever lol. Etc etc etc. Oh yeah and never thought I'd get married lol!
gravity5   +1y
Funny how there is a whole lot more perspective on this site than most.....Its really quite refreshing for people who are a bit older to chime in and let us know howit is for them.....And by a bit older I mean around 45 years older than the mass here....

I personally (sp) have been into cars for the last 13 years, and am 27 now.....I remember reading minitruck mags waaaaayyy back and through most of highschool as well.....I too had the thoughts that minitruckin was my life, hardcore this and that....LOL

Then I got out of highschool and realised there were other interests....I got into a mustang, cough cough mistake cough cough, but it was fun...little 2.3 turbo in my 81 was a blast.....then from tehre VW's were huge for a couple years for me. And of course the honda camp for a bit....All along I have been interested in anything with a motor and wheels on it, Rods, Street Bikes, Choppers, Minis And lifted ass trucks....hell even airplanes for a couple years....

Now that I have totally strayed off point I will say this, through all of those times in my life, Minis were always on my mind, always. Even today I think about them constantly, even though their role in my life is anything but the same...

Nowadays I more enjoy working on them than driving them, not to say I don't drive mine, and drive it hard....just ot say that I would rather be dirty and under one than spot free clean rollin one.

And to say the LIFESTYLE is one way or another is really not right....I personally don't drink, do drugs or try to pick up tire biters. I do party occasionally, but seems as I have got older, got a house, wife kid(s) and what not, this seems far less important to me, even though at the ripe old age of 16 - 18 it was all that mattered.

But whatever, my mindless ranting is just that. I think that you should look into the future, but live for the now, if this is what is most important to you in life right now, then do it to the least that way you can look back when you are older and even if you are still not into it the same as you used to you can remember all of the good times you had and the friends you the end the memories are more important than making them.
immortal1 (linn)   +1y least that way you can look back when you are older and even if you are still not into it the same as you used to you can remember all of the good times you had and the friends you the end the memories are more important than making them.

I'm pretty sure I could not have said it any better.

Nope, I couldn't
gravity5   +1y
Yeah...I'm just a minitruckin pimp...LOL Just funny how your viewpoint changes the older you get....especially when you get real responsability....Kids Mortgage many thousands in loans....LOL
crazymikey   +1y
I don't live the lifestyle by any means. I'm not a minitrucker.

I'm just a regular joe who happens to think the Mazda B series is a cool little truck and for years have always wanted to build one,so I got my chance and now I'm knee deep in a project that I've started and the only way out is to finish it.

Every other project I've had ended up being a daily driver turned daily driven project and I either sold or junked them before I ever got finished. I've wasted lots of money,so this time I did it right and took the Mazda off the road so I could work on it at my leisure,and bought myself a big honkin SUV.

For years,I was always anti-SUV because they were big gas guzzlers and were just everything the automotive scene didn't need. Well now I have my first 4x4 and at the same time I am bitten by the lowering bug for my Mazda and I'm itching to lift the Isuzu. I'm already picking up a set of 31" tires in about 2 weeks.

But anyways,to sum things up,cut it,shave it,lift it,lower it...just don't ever leave it stock. Unless it's moms.
gravity5   +1y
Even my mom has her ride done up a little....LOL I am a bad influence...But at least I'm good looking in the dark.
laydoutb26   +1y
idk, me and my dad lifted moms truck, threw some bigger tires on...

under the hood she has an edelbrock carburetor, edelbrock intake...

she has a kenwood head unit with a pair of 12's...

thats what i was gettin at though... mini truckin and the automotive lifestyle is based around the "don't leave it stock" idea...
crazymikey   +1y
quote: Gravity5
"Even my mom has her ride done up a little....LOL I am a bad influence...But at least I'm good looking in the dark."

is that what your mom says? so even you don't have a face only a mother could love.

Poor guy.
baggedb22   +1y
i dont agree with what u said about the alchol and woman parts thats parts of the reason i haven't been going to tons of shows anymore all the drunk people just ruin it for everyone else, i dont drink so i just stand there and watch everybody else screw it all up, thats why many shows around me have got closed down in the last couple years.....