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General Discussion \  mini truckin' (in my own words and some quotes)

mini truckin' (in my own words and some quotes)

General Discussion
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replies 33
following 14
hocbj23   +1y
Some folks dont understand the difference between "having a drink" and "gettin drunk".Part due to age,part due to not thinking.BJ
immortal1 (linn)   +1y

I agree, a bunch of drunks in the wrong place can definatly ruin the fun. I used to drink a lot for a good time, but to be perfectly honest, I find it's a lot more fun to have a few and watch everyone else make a fool of them selves if the situation is right. Most of the big shows we go to are out of town and usually involve some poor unsuspecting hotel. The best part of most of these outings is just hanging out with other lowriders / mini-truckers who share the same interests (something that was stock, but is now unique and personal). Maybe that's the point of this thread.....
madzatruck   +1y
I have to agree that priorities and interest change over time as people get older. I've always been into cars and trucks. In high school the only thing I thought a truck could do was go uP. I had a 2wd ranger that I treated like a 4wd and then I had my 10" lifted F-150. I also had a 91 escort which is what first got me into custom work. I started redoing the interior, put the wing on it (of course), and stuff like that. When I bought my Mazda I never intended to do anything to it. Then somewhere (don't really know where) I saw a minitruck and fell in love. I do spend too much money on it but I try to spread it out. Right now I'm saving cause I'm getting married in a couple of months and know there are alot more bills about to roll in.

Now that I've got off subject some I do agree that there is a mini truck lifestyle. but I think it has more to do with fellow minitruckers hanging out, helping each other, and just being friends. Most true minitruckers don't really compete with other minitruckers but appreciate the work done and are willing to help someone make someone else's truck lower or better than their own truck. The drinking and women part of it are not really part of the lifestyle cause most mini truckers have families and don't do those sort of things. (which are ruining the shows) Anyway life causes changes all you can do is adapt to them and overcome.
crazymikey   +1y
yeah,I think minitruckers are more of a tight knit,well bonded 'community' or 'family'. Everyone is on the same page,and there to help you out,hang out and just enjoy the hobby you're all in.

Whereas I see in the tuner scene,it's everyone for themselves. Nobody is there to help,everyone tries to 'one-up' the next guy,everyone is about being faster,cooler looking than the other guy,and nobody gives any respect to anyone. Now,respect,you can find that among minitruckers.

I've gone from the tuner world which was cold are harsh,not to mention lame and getting bad publicity,to the truck scene,where it's warm and welcoming.

Minitruckers are the guys that no matter who you are or what you drive,will stop and go out of their way,or offer you the last beer in the cooler,where tuners give you 'the look' when you roll up and the first question is "what's under the hood,punk?",and your 'respect' or lack thereof,is gained or taken away from you because you are only judged on your ride in the tuner world.
mark   +1y
Good points everyone

The least I can say is that my experience in Minitruckin has influence in everything I do in life, or with cars/toys. I take all the little things I see/saw and just make my own decisions. I'm not as old as Aaron (gravity5), but I'm one of those, i guess, that's not into the "lifestyle", but I do love the trucks and work.

I've recently drifted away from the entire thing and have not even thought about the next "have to do" on the mazda, except finish the bed. None of it has crossed my mind lately because I've been worried with other shit.

I have recently gotten into 1/32 slot car racing as well, and that has taken up my spare time mostly. You'd be surprised the minitruckin influence I have in these things.

Hell, I even parked the Mazda to drive my old Ranger! After a week of driving the ranger, I regret it , but i'll get the mazda back from my dad's house during winter break.
nytrdr24   +1y
some could call it a lifestyle, but if you step back & look i think any genre of mini's, cars (import or hot rod), bikes, or even boats is just part of societys culture, we as a whole like what is ours to represent our personality, it is just an extension of what & who we are, so if it is minitrucks, or w/e that your into, we all tend to want it to be set apart from the crowd.
but then again, there are the conformist who wish to blend in with the rest of society, & not make a wave in the pond of life, but to me that is just boring, almost might aswell be dead, if you don't stand apart from the crowd......that is what has made all the important people in history so famous or infamous as their case may be, they didn't settle for the norm, they strived for something they were passionate about. if you were to take away everything, the person or persons that strived to set themselves apart from the norm would be those that would be most recognizeable, not the ones worried about making a wave, so yes, most minitruckers do want to stand apart from the norm & be different (how ever mild to wild it may be) from the rest of the crowd & usually don't care if it is a wave or a tsunami they make......

not sure if any of that made sense or not, just some unchained ramblings....
mazdamandan   +1y
Wow, well I can see everyones point of view here. because I've worn almost all of your shoes, lol.

I am a MAZDA fan Period!
And a car culture guy.
I am a Christian minister, I am striving to be the best person I can be. Foremost that is my identity, or lifestyle. Yet I'm a staple to the local hot rod community.

I am the first to say lets cut something and lets slam this baby!

I have been into cars forever, my first truck was a Mazda B2200, I have owned many different things though,87 b2200, 81 chev stepside, 92 corolla, 80 tr7 triumph, 80 LeMans, 3 mazda GLCs', 02 civic lx sport sedan, 03 civic SIR, 04 honda element, 89 b2200 , 87 b2200 longbox. Im sure I missed a few, lol.
I have been a minitrucker scince 1996 before I got my license, I had a minitruck, there have been times when I could not afford or have the space for a project minitruck, and they are rare where I live. I have customised everything I have ever owned. Minitruckin is what you make it, it is how each of us see it, and how it affects our lifestyle, is gonna be differnt for everyone. So not everyone will agree, as we see here.

Minitruckin is not a narrowed down lifestyle, although thats what Mini truckin mag would have us believe, lol. A lot of minitruckers just happen to be partiers. The "sport " affects our lifestyle or is an aspect of it, thats all.
mazdawgydawg   +1y
ok well i dident get to read the replys but i read the main post, i think the exact same thing you think and reading what you wrote seamed like i had written it myself, minitruckin lifestyle is exactly how u explained it if you ask me i am 14 now caugh the bug back in 2002-2003 when i was 11-12 when my brother had given me a 1986 mazda B2000 after the frame snapped on that i was given a 1986 dodge van by my dad after that i wanted another mini soo went out bought a 1993 mazda B2200 did some work on it and got rid of it then i bought a 1989 mazda B2600 4x4 soo i would have the 4x4 metal for my project and since then ive been looking for a truck to start as a project
crazymikey   +1y
If customizing was a crime,I'd be doing life.
mazdamandan   +1y
I think I already am.