I can't ren a car... The age limit is 25!
Right after I posted this, my brother got them both in. Somehow, I dunno... But, I went to start putting my brakes back together and the primary spring did me over...
I got heat exhaustion and was dehydrated with a migraine. I'm out of commission...
I'm feeling better now, still have a headache...
I'm gonna try and get the rest done now. But I still have another question. Now that both are in, and the brakes are'nt even working, is it bad that I can't rotate the axles?
Before, I could rotate them easily. Now, its harder than hell to rotate! My bro thinks its just because I have new parts in there and theres no more slop... I dunno...
Well all, wish me luck that I get this all done on time and don't die trying!
Oh and my brother said he will take it apart again next week so we can get new parts and charge Altons for the parts. I'm gonna love yelling at them and not ever go back to them!