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General Discussion \  Are Christians Among us???

Are Christians Among us???

General Discussion
views 18878
replies 94
following 31
throwinsparksnla   +1y
im a christian. i dont always act like it but if someone attacks my beliefs, i will stand up. im still in highschool and i go to a baptist school. so much better than public school even tho we do have our idiots. we have a bible class every day and chapel every tuesday. its really cool
thetornado   +1y
ahhhh, private school, o how i dont miss it. haha.

i went to a private (christian) school all through high school, mainly cuz the pulic school where i lived was wack... we def had chapel once a week, and a bible class. wasnt too bad, but i def missed being in a big HS for sports that i played and other stuff like dances. but i always went with my friends to theirs...
brensmazda   +1y
hey there, i am a christian as well, and i also went to a christian school, chapel every mornin. skipped it most of the time tho. i go to a baptist church in The Hat. sunday mornin: church, sunday night: marrieds bible study, tuesday night: different marrieds bible study, thursday night: my wife and i help with Kids club. we are too busy, got to slow down a bit. lol
1hotdawg   +1y
Haha totally cool deal! I just found this thread, and had actually considered making one myself

Anywho I am Christian. I believe Jesus Christ is Lord. I try to live for him daily...that's what being a Christian is...not just believing, for even Satan does that, ...but actually living for Him. Submitting myself to his will and trying to forget my own will.

I go to a Methodist church, and I am a volunteer youth counselor. I love the kids and hope to help them not make some of the same mistakes I made at their age.

You can find me alot on the forums as Grf1974. There's some great debates and stuff on there, as well as rocking out to the music be it rock, metal or hip hop you enjoy, they have a selection just for you If you go there, hit me up so I know who you are

I'm also considering starting a ministry of custom cars to go to shows and stuff and spread the Gospel, yet show that it doesn't have to be boring to be a Christian. You can do what you love and and use it to witness for the Lord. I thought about the tag line "Using our passion to show His Passion".

For those that don't don't know what your missing, cuz you haven't lived yet
88lx   +1y
It's kinda funny, because I had thought about looking for this post within an hour of it popping back up. I had posted it a few weeks ago but missed responces and had no idea of the reply's. I've not commited myself completely, But I believe it's more than irony or coincedence And all that. This would have likely been laughed off most forums.
thetornado   +1y
stuff like this is what i hope our scene sites will all be about. connecting truck enthusiasts in so many differant ways!!!
and other guys on the site respecting people for who they are, not bashing each other cuz were differant!

keep representin!!!
notjo   +1y
This is most definitely THE BEST forum i have EVER been a part of! in other forums they don't accept things like this

I'm a Roman catholic born and raised, Though i will admit i sometimes don't act like it.... But i try

went to a catholic school from kindergarten to gr 8. (taught by my very own mom in kindergarten --> yes i know thats sad )

and I Still go to church... though there are many sunday mornings after a long night out on sat... (or early sun morning) that I really don't feel like it.
roach25681   +1y
Girls who go to religious schools are always the easiest to bone. On that note, I believe in God, but church is FULL of hypocrits. It only takes two people to have "church". You, and God.
russ d   +1y
I believe Jesus is my one true lord and savior.

There was a whole bunch more in this post that got deleted because that says it all.
thetornado   +1y
no posts were deleted, what do u mean?