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General Discussion \  Are Christians Among us???

Are Christians Among us???

General Discussion
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russ d   +1y

nono, not posts in the thread got deleted, I had a whole bunch more written, but thats all that matters, so I deleted it.
luke   +1y

However, the Bible says to keep the sabbath day holy. That means to go to church every Sunday.

Exodus 20:8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. (KJV Bible)

Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. (KJV Bible)

(This one surprised me.) Matthew 5:28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. (KJV Bible)
roach25681   +1y
Keeping the Sabbath day holy doesnt mean going to church.
mullet   +1y
^^^^ WERD ^^^^

I tried to stay away from the religious threads to be a median in case any problems or issues errupted, however i can't help myself on this one. I myself am a Christian, however i'm not a bible thumper. I teach by example, not by running around telling everyone how much of a Christian I am, or pulling out a religion card. I do believe in going to church but usually don't because of the hyprocrites and schemes/scandals that are going on in most churches/orginazations. My room mate in college is my pastors son... trust me... i know all the nitty gritty of whats going down in that particular church and its not cool.

On that note i belive religion (as a whole) is an idea... a lifestyle so to speak. Not rules and laws to live by. Agree or disagree... thats how i feel.
sprkndawg   +1y
I would discuss my views or religion but I would more then likely piss a lot of people off so I avoid that subject. LOL!!
1hotdawg   +1y
It is more hypocritical to sit back and say "the church is full of hypocrites so I don't go" than it is to go and worship with the "hypocrites". Go and make the change instead of sitting back and copping out using the "they are all hypocrites" line/excuse. Also, remember going to church is part of worship...not worship of the church or the people there, but worship of the God who created you, and created the time you don't give to Him.

If you love God, you'll get into His Word and study. If you love God you'll want to do what He wants you to do. If you love God, you'll worship with your prayers, your service, and your life. If you don't,'re missing the point and missing out.
thetornado   +1y
in the new testament "the church" was described as anywhere 2 or more Christians were gathered.

and hotdawg made a great point about using other people as cop out for why you do, or dont do certain things.
as Christians, we are supposed to be more like CHRIST.
Christ never went to a place and turned his head because he didnt approve of what they were doing or who they were.
We need to have the same focus in our life, to help transform each other and encourage one another. Love one another just as Christ loved us.

This is every aspect of life. I see so many opportunities for us to build each other up and help one another through this site and in the overall minitruckin family.
Cant we all just get along!?!?! haha
luke   +1y
roach25681   +1y
To say it is a "COP OUT" because people say the church is full of hypocrits is bullshit, UNLESS that person ONLY does not go to church because of those people.

On the other hand, I just said church is full of hypocrits as an example of why it doesnt make any person any better because they go to church, or worse because they dont.

Besides, the Sabbath day is the last day of the week, right? Then why are most "christian" churches on Sunday?
thetornado   +1y
the sabbath became Sunday mainly cuz of how our work week developed. it starts on monday, and then we have our weekend, sunday being the 7th day.