If I believed this was as close to heaven as I was gonna get, uh why would I believe in a God at all then?
Funny thing is I once had the very opposite view lol, I thought this had to be Hell. Of course it is niether Heaven or Hell.
Sounds to me that you have faith only in humans not in any God.
Btw Heaven and earth are both fully described in the Bible, you just have to read it.
I have to ask, since you bring up that you don't believe Jealousy to be a God like characteristic qulaity, how would you describe God? (if you return).
And why get p/o'd with such a discussion? I've done very well imo not to condemn you or anyone else, I can't anyway. All I've done is posted Scriptures from our God's Word. And explained how/why I believe God's Word to be the Truth, and the only Truth. I'm looking at what God says, not how men act for my guidance.
God loves everyone, He loved us all enought to take the punishment we should each rightfully deserve so that we don't have to and so that He can have us with Him in Heaven. This free gift is open to every person created! If people don't accept it, it's not because God's a wrathful vengeful God lol, it's their own fault. He gives everyone the same opportunity to believe in Him. IF we chose not to, it's not His fault.
IF there are other Gods, paths to Heaven, what ever, what better or easier way is there? What God loves His people more than this God of the Christians? This is a God who took the punishment for us lowly humans who can't always live "right" and commit sin against Him. He sacrificed His only Son so that we could be with Him and not face the punishment Satan means for us.
Hell was created for Satan and his demons, not for a single human. Just in case you didn't know.
God offers His salvation to anyone that puts their faith in Him. If you don't, or chose to believe another god can save you, then it's not His fault, it's yours. Therefore you face the Judgement on account fo your own choice, not His.
If God can use such people as murderers in Scripture to spread His word, to save a nation of people, and to build His church on, then He can use you and me as well. You don't have to be perfect, for no one is. You just have to give your life to Him. (Moses was a murderer that God used to save the nation of Isreal. David was the greatest king to ever reign, and was God's most loved, and yet he murdered Bersheba's husband due to his lust for her. Paul, once the killer of Christians, is most responsible for the spread of God's word to the gentile people.)
As said earlier:
Decide for yourselves whom you will follow....but for me and my household, we'll follow the Lord God.
Wanna see how other gods stack up against our God, read about Elijah. Just one of many examples of the people not believing our god reigns Supreme
I have prayed for you and will continue to do so, that God would soften your heart to His truth, because He is the one whom holds your life in His hands. So if you choose, make sure you choose right.