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General Discussion \  Are Christians Among us???

Are Christians Among us???

General Discussion
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1hotdawg   +1y
One other thing. I don't know what you believe about Jesus Christ. But in case you didn't realize, He was truly a person whom walked the earth. Not one religion denies He was here. Not one religion, (cept Aetheist, and they have no basis for that belief), believes He was an evil man. Almost every religion believes He was a "good man" or that He was a "great prophet". The only things disputed are 1. He was God's Son, and 2. He rose from the dead.

Now let's look at #1. IF they say He was a "Good Man or a Great Prophet" Would a "Good Man/Prophet" be good, or great, if He Himself:

Claimed to be God's Son
Claimed to be God Himself
Claimed He would die and rise again 3 days later
Claim He could "tear down the Temple and build it back in 3 days" (he was speaking of His own daeth and ressurection)
Claim to know our names from birth
Claim to be here on earth before Abraham was

If He wasn't all of these things, would He still be a good man if He claimed such things? NO! He'd be a lunatic correct? So why don't the "other" religions believe He was nuts? Why don't they come out and say "He was a liar, a nobody and deserved to die"? Because they, as hard as they try, can't deny He was Holy, He was the Son of God, and He is Deity (spelling), He is God.

As for #2

The Bible says He appeared to Mary and Martha.

He then appeared to the Disciples.

He appeared to them a 2nd time and allowed Thomas to touch the "wounds", to which Thomas cried, "My Lord and My God!"

He then appeared to John, and another disciple, when they were fishing.

He then also appeared to a crowd of more than 5000 men.

We know He died because, even modern science agrees, He bled blood and water from His side when stabbed by the spear.

How could someone who had their hands nailed to a cross, and their feet nailed to a cross, through the ankles mind you, and then stabbed in the side by a spear, roll a stone that takes estimated 3 men to move, away and walk out of a tomb? Also why would the roman soldiers who know what they are doing allow a man to still be alive be taken down from the cross? Especially allow THIS man to be taken down alive?

Sorry, this just came to me that it ought to be posted so I obeyed
down2earthdawg   +1y
1hotdawg we all now that you're a very devote christian but if you can make your posts alittle shorter I think I speak for everyone we are all men and have very short attention spans I started to read your last post and after the 3 line got side tracked. Not hatin just sayin.

you ever drive and listen to lets say DC talk or barlow girl and start singing along and catch yourself signing in toungs and your car feels like its floating that was awsome and yet scary at the same time.

God is all around us you give your life up to the lord and put it in his hand for him to lead you in his path thats my belief on this subject.

dang it is to easy to write a long post I take back what I said 1 hotdawg bout the long posts its just to easy to write them.

and thats the end of my novel :O
phatkix   +1y
i'm sorry, but i think god is a make-believe friend for grown ups.

jesus was alive at one time, but he's not anymore.

i think some people take religion a little too seriously.

here is an example

1hotdawg   +1y
lol sorry Down2earth. It is so easy to do isn't it

NEver found myself speaking in tongues from any song though lol. But I've listened to DC Talk and Barlow a whole bunch question...then how are you here? Evolution or Creation?

And yes for sure some can be way off base with their religion. Like that family.

I've seen this woman quite a few times. LEt me explain this about the Christian life... WE ARE TO FOLLOW GOD period. Don't reject God based on an idiot. Read His word for yourself and decide. I don't curse, but I totally agree with that title for that video...that family is nuts. They do more to shame the Word of God than they will ever do to Glorify Him. ANd how the flip are they able to use the "Baptist" name in their church name and not be affiliated with the Baptist church? That's terrible.

I do believe that we as a nation have lost some of God's Blessing on us, but I don't agree we ought to be out there condemning people for their children dying for us.

Btw I enjoy Hannity and Colmes quite often

Phat, for real bro. Take a little time and read the book of John in the Bible. To me it is the best book for anyone wondering about the faith. The book of Romans is a great book for telling us how we should live as Christians.

God does get angry and He can shower His wrath on us if He so wants. But what He really wants to do is shower His love and blessings on us. HE wants no one to be lost! He says he'd leave the "99 sheep to find the 1 lost sheep". He loved us enough to become a sacrifice of sin for us so that we have the right to spend eternity with Him. That's not the same God she is preaching about. And this is the message of Christ, "God so loved the world that He gave His only Son".

Sorry again for the long post
phatkix   +1y

i figure we just got dropped off by some aliens or some thing
1hotdawg   +1y
lol ahhh aight. Watch out for their "probing" when they come back for you

Thought I'd post this. Was in a email, not that I hadn't heard all this before, just nicely place together

[quote]All Scripture is inspired by God… (2 Timothy 3:16).

The word ‘inspired' literally means “God breathed,â€
luke   +1y
carolinasled   +1y
i used to be a drug attic, "My mom and dad drug me to church back in the day" lol no but on the real my mom and dad has raised me in church, they are both preachers in a non denomination church kinda like a ph church. NOTHING like a quiet church were clapping and singin is not allowed..... we dont handle snakes or drink poison like in the back neck of the woods, and there is not a dress code to worn, like a woman has to ware granny country dresses, and all of that dont matter if your going to heaven, its about the relationship with god you have, is what i think........ my relationship with god isnt what it used to be like when i was full blown christian, now i drink on accasion, smoke cigs, cuss, i just dont treat my body as a temple of god that i should, but since my new born got here last friday, i'm going to start back tryin to be a better man in god like i know i should and start back going to church with my wife......

just the way i feel........
carolinasled   +1y
i wish i would have ran across this a bit sooner

1hotdawg i'm with ya back in the day when i was full blown christian i wouldnd listen to no secular music also, i remember down in myrtle beach sc they had a christian like bar call slacker 77 we used to go an hear real nasty christian rock, mostly slam and punk christian i remember hearing pod before they made it big thats when they really used to rock i used to listen to mxpx, zao, utolpia, project86, blindside, stretch arm strong, and many others.

also i cant qoute verses of the bible, i dont believe in relaxin on sundays, i cut grass on sundays cause i like cuttin grass if i had time to do it in the week i do it then and just other things on sundays.... i do belive in taking time off sunday and during the week to go to church and church activities, but after church i do what i like to do.....
1hotdawg   +1y
Cool deal Carolinasled! That child is going to look up to you to be the example of Christ you know you should be, so that's great you recognize that and are headin back to church. I'll be praying for ya!

I bought POD's "The Fundamental Elements Of Southtown" when it first came out after I saw a video for "Southtown" on Christian vid show. I told everyone I knew then "these guys are gonna be big!"...little did I know they'd be as big as they are now

And Project86! Absolutely one of the best bands ever secular or Christian! Schwab just has a way of writing that is simply God given.

Zao, with all it's member changes, has gone away from the Christian genre...or so they say . Blindside is another fav of mine and they are getting bigger and bigger in the secular world too.

I'm real big into the metal scene now days. Living Sacrifice, As I LAy Dying, Norma JEan, Nodes of Ranvier, Haste the Day, and some old school rock like Disciple, screamers like Underoath and Emery. You could throw a little bit of rap in there but not a whole lot KJ-52 being the best

Yo if you didn't see the link I posted earlier, check out You can stream music 24/7 from the 2 dot net's and on Steelroots you can access their tv section that has their vid show. Also look up TVU

Congrats on the baby, and good luck in your "walk".