Religion, or atleast Christianity, is not a religion about hate. Quite the opposite honestly...."For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, that whomsoever believeth in Him shall not die, but have eternal life". That's not hate, in fact it's the best way to show love! But here's what's also included in that same verse...which is repeated in many ways all through the Bible..."Whomsoever believeth in HIM"...in Him...is in Christ Jesus Himself. Chrsit says "No one comes to the Father except through Me." Also, "No one is good, not one!"
You cannot, and will not ever be good enough to work your way into Heaven. What's the "measuring stick" by which you believe is good enough? How many sins are you allowed? How much work must you do to "cover" those sins? You can't! He did though! But if you're not going to give your life to Him, and not accept His sacrifice on your behalf, then you've made your choice that you'll wait and be judged on your "good/bad deeds"...and I got sad news, you probably won't make it because you can never work off your sins. To do so you'd have to perfect and Holy...and NONE of us are! So I praise God He gave Himself for us, that when God looks at me He see's Christ who lives within me and has covered me by His blood that He willing bought me with on Calvary. Now that's LOVE!
I'm not spreading hate, a true Christian does not do so. God say all the commandments hang on just 2 (btw there 613 Biblical commandments set by God), "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind, and all your soul...the second is like it, love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the Law."
All are loved by God, murders, abusers, druggies, homeless, rapists, bad preachers, people claiming to be God, etc, etc, etc, ... therefore He offers the same gift of Salvation to them all! But we must repent of our sins and give of our lives to His will not our own anymore. Christ says "pick up your cross and follow me"!
It's not about exclusion, the offer is made to ALL of creation! But, not all accept it and therefore they choose their own destiny, their own eternity...that's not God's fault, it's ours! He loves us, He didn't create Hell for us, the Bible says Hell was created for the Devil and his dominion of angels only. But those who's names are not written in the "Book of Life" will be cast into the same pit of fire. But God's will is for no one to suffer such a fate, but He doesn't make us or force us to live for Him, He leaves that choice up to us.
"Choose for you which god you will serve today" says God