I already pointed out that the "crutch" theory is very wrong and proves a lack of understanding by those who just plain out don't believe the Bible, or haven't even tried tor ead it, of what Christianity is about. It is NOT about getting something, having a "helping hand" to get us through something. Look at the disciples of Christ and what happened to each and every one of them.
Did you know of the 12 of them, they were each murdered for their beliefs in Christ? Did you know most of Paul's letters to the churches were written while he was wrongly imprisoned? Same kind of things happened to the most prominent followers in the Old Testament as well. You think Moses had fun spending 40 years in the desert with people swaying back and forth about their belief? Any of these sound like they were getting some "crutch" help?
Hmmm it was the Gospel that caused these guys to have the hardest lives of all lol. If they'd just renounced their faith, they would have lives perfectly normal lives probably. They'd definitely lived happier (based on earthly standards) lives lol.
Hoc, you are correct in that yes most likely I would have come up in that same India religion. But it is the duty of us, the followers of Christ, to make sure the name of Christ is spread to all 4 corners of the earth...and it will be before Christ returns. I don't know what/how God treats those who don't know the name of Christ right now. I believe God calls whom He wills to become children of Christ.
We are called to be Christians, we are called to go out and preach the "Good Word" to all and every nation. This is not commanded for financial gain, it is commanded so that even those in distant lands will be awakened to the life giving name of Jesus Christ.
It's my opinion that the "I'll take of my own beliefs and life, and let someone else have their own" is a selfish thought. For fear of not offending someone you'd let them go on living a lie and then say "it's not my fault" lol. To me, this thought in itself speaks for you being American lol. That's what we've all become, "just take care of myself, that's all I gotta worry about, I don't care how my neighbor lives as long as he don't bother me."
For me, my heart breaks for those who don't know Christ. It breaks to know someone died that didn't know beyond the shadow of a doubt where he/she'd be going after death. I watch a lot of reality shows (MTV sadly lol) and my heart cries out for God to break into these people's lives and free them from the bondage of sin.
You see, the world believes religion to be a form of bondage. But Christ, and many other people in the Bible, says that we are slaves to sin, and Christ has come to set us free. And, being a Christian, in all honesty there is a sense of freedom, a sense of weightlessness. It's something that I don't think can be described in words. The Bible says that without faith in Christ we are dead already, but Christ came so that we could have life and have it more abundantly, and I can attest to this. I love my life and I want everyone to feel the same way, the same freedom, and the blessed assurance of salvation that comes only through Christ.
Lalunette, in all honesty most of your "aetheist" have never really studied the facts behind the Bible. It's truths, it's reliability vs other historical works, nor how it really has helped scientist make many new discoveries. Wars were patterned after those of the Bible. Ships are built to the same specs as the Ark of Noah. Archeologist have found many areas pointed out by the Bible and what happened to these areas by the words of the Bible. Science has proved the Bible as much as the Bible has proved science.
There have been so many "aetheist" that have thought they could disclaim the Bible and yet none have, and none ever will. It seems really they find it's truths to be inescapable and then begin to believe it themselves lol. Look it up, you'll find some good reading I'm reading Lee Strobel right now "The Case for Christ". He didn't set out to disprove it, he just didn't believe it due to school teaching etc. But, he made sure he evaluated it's vailidity by talking to some of the most notable scientist, historians, scholars, etc., before putting his faith in the "Unseen".
We are not here to convince you to believe. I only show why I believe, or what I believe and have no problems sharing with any of you and debating it in a mature level. If you don't believe after all I, or anyone else says, then so be it, but atleast you can't say you've never heard
Btw this is why I have no probs with "false prophets" (as Hex called this dude), or a lot fo the other "debatable" stuff that comes on tv or in the media. I think it opens the door for good discussion, debate, and allows us to lay out the facts. My wife gets mad cuz I watch a lot of this type stuff lol.
God bless