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General Discussion \  Beware of false prophets!

Beware of false prophets!

General Discussion
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southernrazed   +1y
i was born n rasied in a christian family..but when my best freind died i had a hard time beliving that such a good hearted person that would never harm someone deliberatly and who would give the shoes of his feet ( litteraly) to someone that needed them. wouldent be waiting for me on the other side simply because he diddnt know christ....i also fint it hard to belive that a devout buddist or muslim who knows nothing but love for all could possibly not make it to heaven..if u have a good heart and live your life treating others as you want to be treated its my peronal belife your goin to make far as christ and the bible are concerned there is no doubt in my mind that he was the son of god, that he did die an rise again. i just dont think its the only way to heaven...ive actualy bene thinking about this subject allot lately for a few years there i didddnt have a good heart but i think im on the right track again.....
1hotdawg   +1y
Hoc, I can't speak for God and His judgement so I won't. But I know what the Bible says and I believe it is the Truth. Remember the Isrealites and how many times they gave up on God and decided to create their own "god/idol"? How did God deal with that? My point is, man has constantly been trying to create his own god since the beginning of time. God has revealed Himself in may different ways and used many miracles to prove to us humans He is God and He is the "the great I Am" yet we constantly come up with another "god."

The other religions are false imo and if you study them and their difference from Christianity you'd understand why. I can't make you believe either way tbh. I can't say a Muslim is going to hell for this, or that, all I can say is what my God says, "No one comes to the father except through me."

Buddhist don't deny Christ lived, and niether do Muslims. Actually Muslims hold him as the most important prophet next to Muhammad. They don't accept Christ's divinity, yet call Him a "good man". How is a man good that claims Himself to be God? That creates commandments Himself making Himself equal to God? If I believed differently as they do, I would think that would make Him a nut.

Southern...I'm glad you believe who Christ is. But as for blaming God for the possibility of sending one who "we" as humans see as "good" to hell or not, is wrongly placed blame. It's not God's fault, He didn't make the choice for you, or your friend. He gave that person as a friend to you. As a true friend, if you walk in the Light, shouldn't you have shared the "Light" with him? That's a hard thing I know, but it is up to us as followers of Christ to share and show the Salvation of God that's meant for all people to our friends and family. If we don't then we cannot blame God, we can only blame ourselves. In all honesty, you nor I know for sure where this dude "was" headed after death, but we could have known beyond the shadow of a doubt.

People say all the time "Oh she/he was so innocent". Who are we to judge innocence? Did we create the Law? Did we create the person? Can we see a person's heart? Mind? The Bible says we are ALL born sinners, therefore NONE are innocent and ALL are in need of the grace of Jesus Christ. And it's a free offer to every one of us! Don't make me quote John 3:16 again
hocbj23   +1y
Oh I believe there was a good man and prophet named Christ.I also believe there was a good man and prophet named Muhammed and one named Buddha and lots more.I believe that one should study them all until one day u realize that they have led u to the place where u say i understand what all these people were saying to me.I think your Bible says it this way-"to thine own self be true,and thus thou can not then be false to any man."They have shown u a way to live and they expect u to follow it as best u can.Notice I say "they" not one over the other.It is what psych people call "self actualization".At some point u have to assume responsibility for ur own behavior.I dont think it matters much who u believe,just as long as u believe u need a guide to help u get where u want or need to go.If u dont reach a point where u are self actualized,then ur guide becomes a crutch.Organized religion is a crutch for many folks,not a guide and the organizers of organized religion want to keep it that way because it makes people dependent on them.Dependency=control.I digress.U believe what u want,and I will journey on the way I think best for me and mine.BJ
mazdamandan   +1y

If you truly believe that, why do you even respond to his post and give him a hard time about what he believes
This is the off topic area, and anyone stating an opinion about anything should be okay if you really believed what you wrote there.
So long as his words are not abusive, and I didnt find them to be, should he not be allowed to state his opinion?
I dont even share the same faith as him.

As a whole Christianity is under attack. Even from within.

People are choosing to be extra sensitve on here, to religeous discussions, so I advise hot dawg and hexorz, to try and censor themselves so that nobody gets too offended. Some people are just taking offence, we have seen it a few times now, and we dont want to lose any members, but feel free to PM me if you would like to discuss current events of this nature
hex0rz   +1y
Wow! I did'nt even get a chance to express my opinion! lol. I think Hotdawg has pretty much summed up most of what I would have said.

I did'nt necessarily intend on this thread for what this has turned into but I guess my expectations are diff. The problem with what you believe for example, hocbj23, is that these religions that do not teach of Jesus and how HE IS the messiah are not of the truth. I do not care what denomination you are in, but as long as your teachings are of Christ then you can't necessarily go wrong.

Buddhists for example do not teach of Christ and how he is GOD. Its a hard thing to swallow that the only distinction that is important to realize is whether or not you can accept Christ! Thats all that need be done. If you can accept him in your life and admit with your own mouth he is your savior, then whatever religion it is you believe will correlate into his.

Although, say Mormon teachings believe things differently from a Christian, or Catholic church are differently they teach of Christ. I have a problem with Catholic though. Simply because they believe in Mary, and that you must confess your sins to a man, and not straight to Jesus. You constantly have a 1 way connection to the Lord, and even crying out to him in your mind is enough to trigger an event.

I'm not sure where I'm going with this, lol, but when you try and say all religions teach the same; which is peace, then you also have to consider whether or not it is in Christ. Your sins will not be cleared, and all it takes is ONE impure thought of a woman of the least to keep you from heaven! CRAZY? Yea... but thats the reality of it!

You may be the most innocent pure minded person on the world and not believe in Christ. You will still perish and your spirit will die... The good ol' analogy from the Bible explains how people of the same line of work will be comparatively the same, but when the time comes, 1 will be left behind and the other wont. Why? Because that one who was raptured, believed in Christ.

I'm not going to get into the rapture, and tribulations. But simply put, if you followed this man that I stated in my first thread, you WILL be held accountable for putting a "God" before the real God; Jesus!

And another thing, it is not my position to judge, but there are exceptions to heaven. For people in Africa in their tribe who have never been exposed to the way of salvation for example, will most likely be an exception per-say. Once you have an accountability for it you are responsible! Say you are retarded and can't comprehend things, you more than likely would go to heaven. Say you are a 4 year old toddler, you can't be held accountable. These are the things that would most likely get you to heaven without going through Christ. But for all of us who lead "normal" lives and have accountability and comprehension for what we do, we are responsible for our salvation!

Witnessing is the act of exposing someone who is "blind" to Christ. Through this we are not held accountable for our sin not to witness. Its even more saddening when God has put that person in your life for their salvation and their blood is in your hands when you did'nt step up to it.

Its even more depressing how you can easily not enter the kingdom of heaven for something that simple. And personally, I really have to step up to that one and definitely witness to my friend that I've known since 1st grade!
1hotdawg   +1y
First off, let me say, I in no way feel attacked by any comments posed here. I welcome the different opinions...I enjoy sharing mine

Hoc, honestly, you're looking at Christianity in the wrong light imo. It's in no way a religion about self. Christ says for us to live, we must die to our selves. I don't use my religion as a crutch and don't know many true Christians who would either, that's a teaching from those outside the Church.

For me, I don't look at Christ as "well if I get into this He'll get me out". I look Him as "You created me God, use me to do your will, I care about nothing else." I've given my whole self to Him to use. I personally don't look to Him to give me anything more than He's offered. He's not offered me peace, in fact "because the world hates Me, they'll hate you as well." Because I follow Christ, the devil will come after me harder. It's Satan's job to keep us from doing the will of God. One of the easy ways he's done this is to convince of two falsehoods:

1. All religions lead to the same God.
2. There is no God.

With these two small beliefs, Satan has really done all he needs to rid Heaven's Kingdom of billions of souls. There is but One destination, and only one way to get to that Destination. But He's given us all a free ticket to ride

I don't feel I have to learn the other religions, but I choose to know some of them on my own. It does help me to know how to defend my own against their attacks, or really more importantly, to help others understand why they don't equal up. Hey it's great that Buddhism is supposed to be a religion of peace, but I don't look for peace here on earth because Jesus says there won't be until He comes again. That's why the Jews don't believe He is the Messiah. They thought the Messiah would come and immediately set forth a world wide peace, and save them from the years of strife they've been under.

90% of the other religions are self serving, Christianity is not. Following Christ means to immitate Him, to give up yourself for even your enemies! To most importantly, allow God to use you for His will and to bring glory to Him and Him only.

As for the catholic thing Hex, not ALL Catholics believe that same way. I almost went Catholic and praying to Mary, or confessing to a Priest is not a requirement...or atleast not the church I was going to

Dan, I've enjoyed discussing with all people here. I don't want to have to PM each other lol, I don't see where anyone has taken offense....yet, and if they do then I feel the mods are welcomed to lock the topic. But personally, I enjoy the discussions about other things than our trucks all the time. I in no way have taken offense to anything anyone has said, I welcome the comments.

God bless!
southernrazed   +1y
"the dif cover stared at the fuelcell for hours on end" ..MT quote

so im assuming you guys live in north do i..but say your born in inda way out in the sticks..your parents are religon X, ant their grandparents were religon X, the majority of the religous community is religon X, what religon do you think you will become?...And then think of how this person looks at in North america, (likey some family is religonX), (Majoirty of religous culture is religon X)...therfore....... im not truying to change anyones belifs im just trying to make mine more clear.

hey who knows, mabe god changed his mind in the past two hunderd years cuz the word got so retarded and fucked up..

~to each his own ~
~Praid be to the lord~
mazdamandan   +1y
"there will be a resurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous" Acts 24;15
Gods primary qualities are Love Justice Wisdom and Power,
So it's not unreasonable to say those who have not had a chance to come to know him will have a chance, and "the meek ones shall inherit the earth"
lalunette   +1y

What I cannot comprehend is all these people that are so lacking in personal fortitude that they feel they need to believe in something, anything, higher then themselves to be able to get through the day.

We are in the 21st century people... wake up and smell the coffee...

We no longer need the chains of religion to drag us through life, we can make it on our own.

However, as one of my favourite sci-fi authors and atheist puts it,

"History does not record anywhere at any time a religion that has any rational basis. Religion is a crutch for people not strong enough to stand up to the unknown without help. But, like dandruff, most people do have a religion and spend time and money on it and seem to derive considerable pleasure from fiddling with it."

As well as:

"The most preposterous notion that H. sapiens has ever dreamed up is that the Lord God of Creation, Shaper and Ruler of all the Universes, wants the saccharine adoration of His creatures, can be swayed by their prayers, and becomes petulant if He does not receive this flattery. Yet this absurd fantasy, without a shred of evidence to bolster it, pays all the expenses of the oldest, largest, and least productive industry in all history.
The second most preposterous notion is that copulation is inherently sinful."
mazdamandan   +1y
like anything worthwhile, until you understand something, you dont have anything intelligent to say about it. I studied evolution, and the big bang theory and I still do not believe everything came from nothing.
Those guys like to sound self important and use big words to say there is no god.
1 cor 1;20 "For the speech about the torture stake is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is God’s power. 19 For it is written: “I will make the wisdom of the wise [men] perish, and the intelligence of the intellectual [men] I will shove aside.â€
Post was last edited on Mar 08, 2007 06:03. This post has been edited 1 times.