Heh heh
As for the ossuaries. First off I think James Cameron was just looking for more excitement or something. Though he has been quoted in different interviews saying he does believe the info shared on the show.
Now for the facts This tomb has been excavated for 27 years now. Jewish, Isrealies, tons and tons of archeologists, scientist, scholars, etc, have looked and looked at these findings for many years. You heard, if you watched, all the naming info, though slanted toward the finding's being validated for the show lol. (did you watch the Ted Coppel thing after it as well? It shed some light as well). The bigger thing to me, I'd point out is, prominent leaders of the Jewish, Jewish religious leaders, scholars, etc. have looked at this and yet even they, the one's who don't believe in Christ ressurection to begin with, have said it is absolutely not the tomb of Christ! Now who, more than anyone else, would want to disprove Christ's ressurection? The Jews! They believe He was just a man, a heretic, who blasphemed God by considering Himself the Messiah. So if anyone was gonna say "yep that's Him alright", I'd think they'd be the first lol...all the other people's opinions for or against it don't matter as much in my eyes
If you want to hear about all the other documents attesting to Christ truly living, and even performing miracles, and dying unjustly, a good book that points out most of the material outside the Bible, is Lee Strobel's "The Case for Christ". I've just begun it these past few weeks, and already am very fascinated because, we've all heard of Josephus and his account about Christ actually living, and the Talmud mentioning Him, but man there are a lot of other historical sources even written before Josephus's account!
Strobel also does a good job in comparing how the historical account of Jesus, and the Gospels, have stood the test of time by their accuracy compared to many other historical works that people don't generally question. It's really eye opening also in how it puts to rest the belief that "the facts have been exagerated" that we hear all the time.
Oh yeah, did you know Buddha's "autobiography" (same as we'd call the Gospels being Christ's autobiography), was not written until 500+ years after his death? Yet how many people do you hear questioning it's validity and how it may have been doctored over the years? Same goes for Muhammad's stories, they are 100's of years after his life. Yet for Christ and the Gospels we have accounts that are maybe even closer to His death then the first we thought, which is Mark's account (if I'm correct ), which was so far as we can see written 30+/- years after the death of Christ. Even the latest, John's Gospel, was written around only 100 years after, or so we think right now.
As earlier stated, Strobel was not a Christian when doing his research, so don't let the fact that he is now make you think he leaned one way or the other, cuz honestly, he's just interviewing other prominent scholars, dr.'s, professors, etc. to get his info. Some of the people which have studied theological things for 30-40 yrs in some cases. That was what I liked about Koppel's thing after the show, he had 2 religious people on there, 1 priest, one evangelical, and one dude who was just an archeologist who didn't believe in Jesus at all lol, and yet that dude totally disagreed with the findings
Personally I don't care what they find lol, I won't change my life and how I'm living it for God now.