For some reason I haven't been able to connect to the site for a few days
Anywho, I wanted to reply to this quote because there's some misthoughts here:
This is going by the premise that the Bible is just made up of stories handed down from one to another, which is not at all true...especially the things about Christ. Yes, there are some books of the Bible that were handed down from one to another...Job being one of them, some of Genesis....probably the Noah account. But when we move to the New Testament, the parts about Christ, these books were written from first hand accounts. From the people who ate and drank with Jesus, slept in the same home, were there in the Temples when He preached, etc. etc.
The book of Acts is written partially by Luke (the apostle), about the beginning of the Church itself...based on the teachings of Christ. Half of the New Testament was written by Paul...whom first killed Christians, then met God on the road to Damascus...which he then began preaching Jesus Christ raised from the dead. He met and talked with those disciples whom saw Jesus physically after the Crucifixion.
So don't think of the Bible as nothing more than a group of peopel whom told stories back and forth and then could have changed things by accident, it didn't happen. Most of Scripture is written from first hand accounts...or the person's "scribes" that wrote them while walking with the "authors".