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General Discussion \  Bible facts - for info only

Bible facts - for info only

General Discussion
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replies 34
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speedster93b   +1y

i'm going to hell for sure then, i've already sinned 3 times today and it's not 8:00 yet!!! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" />
1hotdawg   +1y
Honestly I didn't intend this to happne, which is why I posted:

It's a game based one World War II lol. And yes &quot;I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me&quot;. Enemy Territory is a game I have played now for 5+ years (RTCW), online and have made some good friends. g4G just happens to be a Christian fellowship of gamers who play the game for fun, but put the fellowship of one another over it.

Richard you should know my beliefs by now bro.
phatedscustoms   +1y
yea back up guy... ok. dumbass
phatkix   +1y
i'm apologise to all.

and phatedcustoms i'm sorry for being an ass also.
lalunette   +1y

Ya, your right, I do... but I can't help letting my rational mind (and mouth) run amuk, it's a guilty pleasure of mine.
1hotdawg   +1y
ThX phatkix.

I'm just as rational Richard...just I believe in something bigger than myself, man, and chance
hex0rz   +1y
A group hug! You guys! I lub you all!

...okay, no, no, I don't want a hug! You guys can hug though, LOL!
phatedscustoms   +1y
no problem dude i have a tendency 2 be an ass myself from time to time if the mood strikes me.
1hotdawg   +1y
For some reason I haven't been able to connect to the site for a few days

Anywho, I wanted to reply to this quote because there's some misthoughts here:

This is going by the premise that the Bible is just made up of stories handed down from one to another, which is not at all true...especially the things about Christ. Yes, there are some books of the Bible that were handed down from one to another...Job being one of them, some of Genesis....probably the Noah account. But when we move to the New Testament, the parts about Christ, these books were written from first hand accounts. From the people who ate and drank with Jesus, slept in the same home, were there in the Temples when He preached, etc. etc.

The book of Acts is written partially by Luke (the apostle), about the beginning of the Church itself...based on the teachings of Christ. Half of the New Testament was written by Paul...whom first killed Christians, then met God on the road to Damascus...which he then began preaching Jesus Christ raised from the dead. He met and talked with those disciples whom saw Jesus physically after the Crucifixion.

So don't think of the Bible as nothing more than a group of peopel whom told stories back and forth and then could have changed things by accident, it didn't happen. Most of Scripture is written from first hand accounts...or the person's &quot;scribes&quot; that wrote them while walking with the &quot;authors&quot;.
mullet   +1y
You tell me this like you know first hand. I know who wrote the first drafts of the bible. i also know that there is a good chance a couple books were left out. More even changed a little bit to meet the understandings and rules of the times it was translated. Its dangerous to take any writting too literally. And I understand these people lived the life first hand and knew Jesus Christ.. but do me a favor. Go the the nursing home and ask the first old guy you run into about his best friend when he was in his 20's. Then ask him to tell a story and remember it verbatam. Then go back in 2 weeks and ask him to tell the same story again. Chances are it will be a little different. Jesus Christ didn't die and all the deciples pull out pen and paper. He didn't come back from the dead and have them all take notes. And Jesus didn't pass out number 2 pencils before the assended into heaven. I know i'm being rude and spitefull... but don't take everything too literally.