Well then enlighten me/us. Who wrote the first "drafts" of the Bible? And are we looking at it as the Bible as a whole or the individual writings?
As for the "left out books", you are correct there are much mroe than just a few books about Christ/God not included in the Bible itself. Why? 2 reasons. 1. How big do you really want the Bible to be, and how many times must the same things be repeated? 2. There are books don't "Agree" with the majority of what we know about Christ, and the details of His life. A lot of those were the Gnostic gospels.
Once again though you are really simplifying the scriptures to say that it's "hearsay" was written. There's 2 big things Christians believe about how the Bible was written. 1. It was fully God breathed/inspired. 2. The books (specially the Gospels/NT texts) were written by those who experienced the happenings firsthand and not via just hearsay. Almost all of the NT is from first hand accounts, from the Gospels themselves to the books Paul wrote which fully rely on the ealiest Christians and some of the disciples themselves (Luke for one), and look at the Book of Acts, which details the first beginnings of the Church, in which Paul and Luke both wrote....while Paul was imprisoned (numerous times) Luke wrote some of the Book.
Here's the way I see your theory Mullet. You can believe the "story" idea all ya want when looking at the Old Testament, (really only parts though, cuz historical facts show lots of it as accurate already), but when it comes to the New Testament, that theory doesn't fly. The 4 Gospel writers probably did write most of there's from memory, but I don't think the 4 of them...which did not write their books even in the same area as the other ones , would have "mistaken" much (if any) of the major things about Christ's life. Then you've also got the other writings, Acts, all of Paul's letters, John's letters, Peter's letters, etc. That were all written from first hand experience, and most likely written while the events were occuring (we know Paul wrote to the churches while in prison), and they also concur with the earlier Gospels.
You see, people think that the Bible is just speperate books put together stating seperate things. But in fact they all tell one amzing story from Genesis to the Book or Revelation, all of which concur with one another, all of which have been studied front to back for thousands of years in efforts to prove and in efforts to deny their reliability. Yet the Bible stands strong. THe #1 book sold ever. The one book read by more than any other. The one Book cast into "debates" more than any other, and still it comes out unscaved, unharmed, and proven once again, undeniable lol.
You're right, they didn't. They didn't begin to write the things of His life and death down until they had completed thir teaching ministries. So basically, they taught all that they had seen about Christ repeatedly, most likely daily for up to 60 years after Christ's death. Now if someone's teaching for anywhere near half this long, the same things day in and day out about what they'd seen and experience with the One they call God, do you really think they'd have made many mistakes when putting it to pen and paper? I mean hey, if they didn't do a thing but sit on their butts and never taught about Christ again until the time they decided to write it down, then maybe you'd have a valid argument, but as it is, it's not a valid...nor educated argument.
Now we have that argument for Christ. Lets look at Muhammad. Do you know how long the writings of him were written after his death? 300+ years. Do ya think they're as accurate as Christ's writings?