this is, hands down, a quadruple chuck norris situation
make a new crossmember out of 2x2 at the least. and gusset it where it meets the frame. your wishbone bar looks fine, can't really tell you if your tabs are bad since we can't see the weld, but they sho do look oogleh. just buy some new tabs bro. they aren't that expensive, new tabs for all your bars would run you under 50bucks with shipping from SD or gravity-werx. what really throws off your setup is the tabs being rugged and the crossmember, everything else looks fine. the problem with your crossmember is that you are running a wishbone 3link. no panhard bar is there to hold the axle centered, so everytime you take a turn the axle relies on the wishbone and that crossmember to keep it in place. you really have to have good welds on the single jointed part of the wishbone, and a good crossmember. what you could do to make it simpler to where you will not have to rely on top notch welds is make it a 3link with a panhard. the 3rd link will just hold the axle from wrapping, and the panhard will center the axle. more bars you have to hold the axle in each direction forces act on it, the easier it is to each suspension component (bushings, tabs, etc.)
do as you please