OK, I found the old messages, several, pretty humorous now, all from moderator "thetornado" in late 2007:
"I had to delete your avatar. We have a standard of promoting a clean image for all the scene sites and with that we try to to keep all pornographic images off our sites. thanks for understanding. let me know if u have any questions."
"rather than trying to judge every single case like this its just pretty much a nothing that questionable. she has no clothes on in the picture. that is some kind of soft porn.
im not judging you in any way, we just haven't had to make a big deal about the avatars. i have only had a handful like this that i couldn't approve.
thanks man."
"about the new avatar. i know nothings really showing, but it seems as if shes naked...other than the socks. haha. i cant approve that.
pretty much anything that i think that will take away from the image of our site im not going to approve. we have always prided ourselves with keeping the cleanest image we can, and we will continue to do that."
"hahaha. thanks for understanding. and i think i can handle the topless bug. haha"