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Mazda Engine General \  Hesitation...


Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
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fantomrush   +1y
I have a problem that has me stumped. I just bought a 1991 Mazda B2200. When I first start the truck and its cold it will idle fine, but if I touch the gas pedal it dies. If I tap the gas pedal a few times I can get it to rev up and go. I just cant push on the gas and go. After it warms up I can push the gas pedal and it stutters for a second then revs up and doesnt die like it does when its cold. I have replaced the plugs, wires, cap, rotor button, O2 sensor, fuel filter and the oil. Its still exactly the same. I didnt replace the coil since its getting a good spark. I dont know what else to look at. I havnt checked the timing yet. Thats about the only thing left I can think of.

Anyone have any ideas of things I should look at?
reflectorcollector   +1y
i would check all the vacuum lines and make sure that ones hasn't came off or there may be a vacuum line that is not connected to the right nipple...haha nipple...but yea that is where i would start...that is why i am in the process of putting a 626 fi turbo in mine...forget the vacuum they suck
hocbj23   +1y
The carbs on theses trucks are notorious for having starting/idling issues.On the pass.side of the carb there is a solenoid that controls fast idle.Check and be sure it is wired up and operating.U did not say how many miles on truck,but I would also take some carb cleaner and while another person is holding the gas pedal down so the truck is running at about 1500 rpm I would spray the interior of the carb.Hope this helps.BJ
maztang (ryan)   +1y
you may also want to check out the choke. these trucks have electric chokes and in my experience with any electric choke is that they are junk. i have a mechanical choke on mine and if i don't pull it out when it is cold outside, i get what you are talking about.
fantomrush   +1y
Cool... thanks for the suggestions. Ill start with the carb cleaner, then check the choke. I will check vacuum lines last. lol those are a nightmare. I know they are all connected. I dont know if they are in the right place or not.

What is the easiest way to check the choke?
hocbj23   +1y
Wait until truck is cold.Take top off air cleaner.Turn switch on and depress gas pedal 1/2 way to floor 1 time and release.Look down into throat of carb .choke should be in closed position.Start truck and let it reach operating temp>check choke position again.It should now be fully open.BJ
laydoutb26   +1y
heh heh... nipple...
fantomrush   +1y
Well the choke seems to be opperating properly and the carb cleaner didnt make a different. I sprayed some on the body around the linkages and then spray some inside after it warmed up while it was running. Its cleaned it up pretty good, but I still have my problem.

I sprayed a little around the body while it was running and I heard a clicking sound. I dont know it maybe it was a leak sucking up some of the cleaner or if I was getting it on an electrical plug causing it to click. I will probably chase all the vacuum lines using the pic here and see if everything is where its supposed to be and check for any leaks.

Its hard to explain how it feels. It backfires a little under load. Still stalls while cold, almost stalls after its warmed up, but seems to adjust for it and doesnt stall.

Thanks for the suggestions thus far!
nonamedsomebody   +1y
Try reseating your plug wires my 91 when you stuck the pedal to the floor would be very boggy and then it would come out of it I reseated the plug wires and found thats what was causing it.
fantomrush   +1y
Ive tried that already. Im wondering if maybe the coil is weak. Does anyone know if there is anyway to test it?