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Mazda Engine General \  Hesitation...


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fantomrush   +1y
I talked to the dealership about having it checked. They told me to run a tank of premium fuel with some carb cleaner in it thru it before I do anything. I failed to mention the truck sat in storage for 6 years. It was started every now and then, but never driven. I havnt checked the float yet. Just havnt had time.
fantomrush   +1y
Heres a quick update...

The float seems to be working correctly. The gas level in the little window on the carb is dead on the line. Im starting to think its either a vacuum problem or possible a bad electrical connection somewhere. well and not to rule out just running a good tank of gas thru it since it sat for 6 years.

Im gonna concentrate on getting it bagged for now so I can drive it. Look for another update soon.
hocbj23   +1y
One other suggestion then I think I am of no further use here.Try the fresh gas but also add a 1/2 can of Seafoam to it and put 1/4 can of the same stuff in ur oil.It is really good stuff for cleaning fuel lines ,oil galleys ,etc.,and it might help get ur problem solved.BJ
fantomrush   +1y
Thats what I will do. I probably wont be able to drive it again until next week since the suspension is torn off of it and half way bagged at the moment. Ill just finish bagging the front and figure out the hesitation before I start on the rear.

Thanks everyone for the suggestions and guidance on getting this worked out. I really appreciate it.
fantomrush   +1y
Sorry to bring this back up, but...

I decided to rebuild my carb cause I was bored and the kit was cheap. So after stripping a few screws and plugs I got it completely torn apart and cleaned everything in acetone. It looks much nicer now.

One problem I'm having is when I tore it apart I notice there was a jet in where the diagram calls out a plug. It's number 57 on the diagram posted in the sticky above. The diagram that came with the rebuild kit is identical to that one also. On the write up I posted it doesn't say what those are anywhere in the write up. I went ahead and put it back together the same way it came apart, but this jet is bothering me. I'm not sure if someone rebuilt it one time before and put it back together wrong or is it possible the diagram is wrong.

Does anyone know what should be there or does someone have a junk carb they can seperate the top and middle section and see what's in there? I have a 91 so I don't know if maybe it's a little different to older models.

I plan on putting the carb back on the truck tonight to see if my problem goes away. If not I may pull it back apart and replace that jet with a plug and see what happens. At this point I dont have anything to lose.

One other thing I noticed is the gasket #37 in the diagram is also different than the gasket in my write up. The rebuild kit has both gaskets. One gasket has a hole that allows that jet to go thru to the top plate. The other gasket has a slot that allows the hole next to it to go thru to the hole above the jet. I think you're supposed to use one gasket when that hole has a plug in it and the other gasket when there is a jet in there.

I wish I had taken pics of my carb while I was working on it for better write up pics, but again I didn't think of it.
hocbj23   +1y
Possible mystery jet may be a fast idle jet for trucks with a/c or it may be for trucks with a/t.Idle speed requirements are a little different for both and a lot different if u have both a/c and a/t.Just a thought as obviously the carb can be configured both with and without the mystery jet and pollution control crap stayed about the same from 1986 to 1993 on 2200s so jetting would not have changed much for that reason.BJ
fantomrush   +1y
hmmm... I wonder if that could be causing the hesitation I'm having with it. My truck is a 5 speed with no a/c. lol... I know the motor was rebuilt in the truck a few years before I bought it. I wonder if they got a complete motor out of another truck and used that for the rebuild. hmm dunno...

I guess I will find out soon if it works or not. I want this stupid truck to pass emissions. lol they wouldn't test it since it would die everytime they touched the gas pedal. Even with me telling them to pump it and it would get going once it was over about 1600 rpms. In the mean time I will just wait for you to get yours swapped out.
pont   +1y
were did you get your rebuild kit
fantomrush   +1y
Autozone for $32. I planned on getting one from the dealership because it comes with new jets, float, and a few other parts that don't come with the autozone kit. They wanted $180 for the kit and would take a week to get it unless i wanted to pay an additional $25 to have it shipped overnight. I'm glad I didn't buy it from the dealership. I didn't need any of the extra parts it came with. Everything in mine was good. Just needed a good cleaning and blew out all the jets and passages. It had a lot of varnished fuel in it and in the passages.

which by the way, the seafoam made the carb perform worse. It did its job and cleaned out most of the crap, but it all got stuck in the jets and the screen for the accelerator pump. The screen was about completely blocked. The seafoam may have dissolved the rest of it over time, but I didn't give it a chance to see if it would.
fantomrush   +1y
well good news and bad new... Got the carb back on the truck and it fired right up no problem. I let it warm up and set the timing. Then I adjusted the mixture adjustment screwed back to where it was before I rebuilt the carb. It was exactly one turn out from being seated in the carb. Then I worked with the idle adjustment screw to get it to about 800 to 900 rpms.

Good new... My hesitation is gone! It doesnt stall anymore when I touch the gas... yay!

Bad news... Idle is killing me. The air fuel ratio selonoid is makeing a clicking sound after if I shut off the truck and put the key back into the run position. If I unplug it or turn off the ignition completely it stops. I think it might be stuck or dead. My idle is a little rough and it causes the truck to shake a little. Im going to try and get a dwell meter to see what its doing. My float level seems a little low also. The fuel level just slightly below the center of the glass. Im going to pull the top off the carb tomorrow and readjust the float a little and see if maybe that helps.