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Mazda Engine General \  How can I build horse power in my B22

How can I build horse power in my B22

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
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blue crush   +1y
i am looking into getting my EFI motor rebuilt. i was just wondering if there are any stroker kits or any thing alone those lines for the B22 motor.. I was even thinking i might want to turbo the motor instead.. so are there any parts out there that i can use in a stock block that can handle boost from a turbo...
Keep in mind that i dont want to do any kind of swap i juat want to keep the EFI B22 motor..
hocbj23   +1y
Jack the radiator cap up and run a 302 Ford under it.Lol.If u want to look into a turbo,swap in a late 80s model Maz MX-6GT engine with a turbo.Or swap in a 2.3 liter Ford turbo from an SC Thunderbird or Merkur from the lste 80s.If u want to stay with Maz ,o can pick up some power from a 38 Weber DGEV carb plus a Pacesetter header,an MSD or Accel ignition and better muffler and CAt.Paeco in Birmingham will grind u a cam for 275,plus they have stiffer springs,better retainers.Beyond all that happy horse poo,u are pretty much on ur on.Hope this helps.BJ-the resident old fart."mr.Mazda can just kiss my old arse.LOL.BJ
dropped90(justin)   +1y
lol hoc pretty much summed it up. i guess that was information plus a small rant about good ole mr. maz. not much aftermarket support for performance for these engines.
blue crush   +1y
thanks bj... not the answer i was hoping 4 but o well.. i guess the search for more mazda power continues lol...
slammedyota91   +1y
port and polish
header and carb youll see a significant increas in power
hocbj23   +1y
Sorry Grasshopper,the ole HOC speaks the terrible truth,as verified by Dropped 90.Not much aftermarket support for nearly 20 year old trucks which were not designed for speed anyway.If u ever get to Chattanooga,look me up and I will let u drive mine which has had just about everything u can do to one done to it,and a stock Civic Si will after 4-5 car lengths eat my lunch (and dinner).Thanks Mr.Mazda u pile of rat poo.How can something so pretty be so slow.Lol.BJ
mazdamn   +1y
first off....i dont care what ANYONE tells you....PULL THAT BELT DRIVEN FAN OFF NOW!!!!

Put a 14 or 16" electric, and she'll open up a LOT more power, THEN do the exhaust, then intake (carb) then follow up with coil, wires and plugs. Might get an extra 20 to 25, LMAO.
hocbj23   +1y
Which brings u up to 105-110 whomping horsepower for which u spent 300+ for the carb,170 for the header,200 for the Flexalite fan,100 for the tune up parts,100+ for the MSD or Accel equals about 870 IF u do all the work .OR 40 bucks per pony.FDLMAO.And the Civic will still eat ur lunch,dinner and midnite snack.KMLMAO.Why is this so funny?Because I have done everything above and more too.We are all insane.BJ
pont   +1y
You can always get a Kia motor 95 to 01 2.0 rebuild it and use the stock Kia wire harness and ECU and what ever else you need and get 140 off the bat. Best thing is it will bolt right up to your stock tranny and motor mounts. The Kia 2.0 from those years is the same as a Mazda FE3 which can get lots of power if you wont to put the money in it.
lowblownranger   +1y

he had it almost right the only thing he had wrong was the sc thunderbird its a 3.8 supercharged v-6

what he should have said is you need a tc thunderbird (turbo coupe)...
im presently in the process of a 2.3 turbo swap in my b2200... it should go ike hell once its in but ITS A LOT OF WORK !!!!!!