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Mazda Engine General \  junk yard edc

junk yard edc

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
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slammed83mazda   +1y
Im waiting on 2 fitings then I can finally test this beast out, waiting on my barb fitting to come and one more fitting for my pressure switch then I can start tinkering with it and see what happens.
immortal1 (linn)   +1y
If you have a tank pressure gauge I can tell you exactly what will happen.....

electric pump
EDC <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" />
mazda23   +1y
** soo true huge difference i love the edc(smilely faces). it beats an electric pump by lots and i still perfer the edc even thought it needs to be filled with oil!!!! very very good upgrade
mazda23   +1y
i just had a thought...

instead of wasting all that oil coming out of the compressor would it be a good idea to reuse it or not?? the only reason i see too not using it is if it has water in it but im not sure if it does or not.
slammed83mazda   +1y
Started plumbing my tank last night got it all ready just gotta install the pump and order the right fitting, immortal what size barb fitting did you use. I got the multi barb 1/4&quot; one but my stock a/c line is pretty big would I have any problems I also got a 1/2&quot; single barb one to but I would have to stretch the hose of it but I would feel more comfortable about not having leaks on the 1/2
immortal1 (linn)   +1y
Would recommend either 3/8&quot; or 1/2&quot;. Keep in mind the EDC should be putting out approximately 9 cfm. I don't think a 1/4&quot; opening is gonna flow that much air without restricting is some. Was trying to think how much cfm a large air powered buffer would use (like what an auto paint shop would have). Those might be more like 5-6 cfm. Anyway, if you have to stretch the rubber hose over the fitting A LITTLE, that would not be bad. But you probably would not want to stretch a 20 year old A/C hose much because it will probably crack.

Looking forward to some pics from you and Mazda23 of your setups (hint hint LOL)
slammed83mazda   +1y
Well I got all the fittings finally for the EDC I got it all plumbed just gotta bolt up the actualy pump to the truck, the barb fitting is actually holding on tighter to the hose than I thought. I cant even get it to attempt to turn.

I tryed tapping a wire from the battery to the pump and hold it on metal to see if i could hear something but nothing lol.

So tommarows obective is to get it on the actual truck, I need to pick up some oil for the inner oiler to.
immortal1 (linn)   +1y
Sounds good - definately keep us posted. Still lookin forward to some pics
93mazdawg   +1y
can you just use the a/c compressor that comes stock on the mazda b2200???
mazda23   +1y
yes but u loose the ac