I could very well be wrong on that, I was just going by this:
"Q: How to adjust the carburator for 1990 mazda B2200?
A: Just under the air filter, cab side, you'll find two adjusting screws. One (A) "flat-head" screw, next to the throttle cables, and one (B)"4 way" screw used for the idle mixture. The first one (A) ajusts the idle speed, clockwise to hasten, counter-clockwise to lower. The second one (B), is the mixture screw. Clockwise enrichens the fuel mixture, and increses the idle. Take your time and adjust both screws for maximum performance. Also, check to see if there is a sight-glass on your carburator, and notice how well your float works."
Which said the 4 way is the mixture... But I dont know.
Edit: My guess is I was adjusting (From diagram) 23-340 and the right one is 23-374 but like I said in this picture: the idle screw is definitely 89 which is right at those two holes I mentioned but could not see on my carb.