cutting the section out just above that red circle doesn't seem too safe. have you ever followed that piece, just to notice that your lower control arm crossmember is attached to the other side? and your lower (load bearing) control arms and the weight of the truck rides on that hacked out piece of frame and crossmember.... it'll prolly be fine. what am i trippin about?
I think he means that part of the arm. I trimmed mine up today to clear the frame. It seems safer than cutting the frame. But what do I know. I don't do this for a living or anything.
say when i get my front bag kit does the top bag mount need to be shorten, im talkin bout the over all length from the frame outwards, does it stick out to much or does it just look to long from online or the mag
are you guys talking about the peice cut out of the lower control arm or the peice that run vertically up to the shock tower.. i have them both cut on my truck have to weld some sort of support on my LCA cause it seems to swist a little now