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Mazda Projects \  Just got my first mazda.Sold :(

Just got my first mazda.Sold :(

Mazda Projects
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twisted minis   +1y
This thing will nickel and dime you to death. Older trucks just do.... Lol.

I still say just run one power wire straight to the battery or to the starter.
slammedyota91   +1y

i did that last night lol, i am going to replace the wire tonight after my tattoo is finished and see if the wire is corroded or something...

on another note i drove it today to work, EVERYONE looked because i have never driven it in the day time so everyone was like where didi that truck come from lol, i live in a small town,,
twisted minis   +1y

That must be why everyone was looking at me and Everett funny when we left your place. Lol.
slammedyota91   +1y
haha yea probly, seeing anything having anything "custom" is a huge deal here haha thats great stuff
slammedyota91   +1y
today my dad and i are going to start glassing my grill, im shaving where the emblem goes, i want it to be smooth. i dont have my camera here but will take pics tonight of it, it wont be done today, i have a lot of sanding to do im sure, i just cut that section out ad sanded it and now gonna start glassing
toddluck   +1y
i wanna see pics of the griill work man!!!!!
slammedyota91   +1y
i will, but not pics od doing it i dont have my camera here at work
slammedyota91   +1y
well i figured i could take pictures with my camera on my phone, im letting the first coat dry right now shouldnt take too long its pretty hot outside, these were with my phone.. so kinda small but you get the idea. i didnt think of takin em with my phone til after i started prep sorry..

Post was last edited on Aug 17, 2007 10:08. This post has been edited 1 times.
toddluck   +1y
marKKKKKus call me bro
slammedyota91   +1y
called ya..