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Mazda Projects \  Project: Super Chicken Bucket (91 B2200FI)

Project: Super Chicken Bucket (91 B2200FI)

Mazda Projects
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badchicn (rick)   +1y

Yeah, I'm beginning to think all interior shops are the same. Before I went to this guy, I asked all my friends who they used and they couldn't recommend anyone. To tell the truth, if i have someone do something for me, I tell them my time frame and then in my mind add 3 weeks. That way when they are late, I don't want to kill them. What I can't understand is how these guys stay in busniness. If I ran my electrical crews this way, I could never get another contract. I learned a long time ago to over-estimate time. You know... if I think it will take two hours to do something, I will tell the customer six. That way I always look like a hero when it only took 4 hrs...
twisted minis   +1y

Yeah, I've actually used two interior shops. The first one was the most recommended shop in the area. Well known for doing lots of hot rods. They destroyed my dash pad and all the mounting clips but 1. I refused to pay for it.

The second place, after taking 7 weeks for a 3 day job, settled with me for $100 versus the $500. There is only one other place around here, but I will give them a shot and have them do my door panels and redo the dash. They want about twice what everyone else does, but they will probably do it right. I agree about the way interior shops are run though. I don't see how they stay open. I overestimate my time as well, especially when doing bodydrops.
down2earthdawg   +1y
when I had my seats done I droped off the passanger seat first it took the shop a day to do it and it turned out great took them another day to do the drivers side I left the car there in the morning and by 5pm that night both seats where in and done and they even detailed the interior for me
but I guess you get what you pay for I payed 500 for both seats
they wanted another 400 for the rear bench seat but I didnt have the car long enough to get it done
ford car transmissions suck
twisted minis   +1y

$500 is an average price for a pair of buckets, or a single bench, from what I gather. The place I am considering trying next wanted $1100 to cover my bench seat. But they probably would have done it fast, and it probably would have been flawless.
badchicn (rick)   +1y
For 1100 it should be dipped in gold! I'm going to the shop now to see whats up. They close at noon today, I hope they are done!
twisted minis   +1y
I hope so too, I want to see the seats!
speedster93b   +1y
looking good so far! how much did max narrow your frame in the rear?
badchicn (rick)   +1y
It's narrowed about 7" per side or about 14" total. If it weren't for the placement of the bags I could run a really wide rear wheel...I like my wheels the same front and rear tho' I watched a buddies pro street Camaro spin out in a rain storm, what a wild ride.
speedster93b   +1y
i like the deep dished rear look, but i like to rotate my tires, so mine are going to all be the same too.
going down the freeway spinning out is no fun. i've done it in the ice being a dumbass!!
badchicn (rick)   +1y
Went to the interior shop on Sat. The seats were done but I wasn't happy. The leather was a little loose...wrinkled and whatnot. The owner says "no problem, I'll fix them myself" So again, I wait. The center console is bitchin' tho'. I will have to post some picks later cuz the camera wasn't charged( duh) Anyway, It looks as if Seth was right, it might take seven weeks to get this done.