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Mazda Projects \  my 83 b2000 project

my 83 b2000 project

Mazda Projects
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maztang (ryan)   +1y
here are my floorboard problems i am working out.

the original guy that bagged it used manual valves and mounted them here. one of the other owners had it swapped to electric valves and instead of patching the hole by welding a filler, they put aluminum tape over it. hmmm....hacks!

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then i found some rust on the passenger side due to tape being used to cover all holes on the firewall. hmmm.

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and then i almost forgot about this little baby. the driveshaft was hitting the tunnel when i drag so i need to make it bigger. you can see where the drivshaft was rubbing. slammed83...this is why i wasn't sure about selling the driveshaft yet.

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hopefully i can get all this fixed tonight and move on to something else all day tomorrow. i am off for presidents day. woohoo!!!
slammed83mazda   +1y
I hear ya bro, I actually snapped a driveshaft in mine from were it pegged that old crossmember behind the cab.

Hey send me a pm about those doors brosef got the tax refunds and definatly interested.
maztang (ryan)   +1y
will do man, i got to get a quote again and then we will work out a price. i will find out tomorrow, i have to send my head off anyways.

hey slammed i need to take a pic of something and see if your truck had this opening too.
maztang (ryan)   +1y
don't know how well you can see it but under the tunnel and the hump that is behind the seats, there was an opening for no reason that i know of. any idea why? or did yours even have this opening. it is right behind the seats where the hump that runs along the back wall is. i am going to weld mine up cause i don't see why it is there to begin with. here are the pics...

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you can see it better here. the opening was completely open to the elements under the truck and closed off inside the truck. i don't know why.
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maztang (ryan)   +1y
well i got one hole patched just need to grind one more time. and the driveshaft tunnel is just about made. it's a real bitch when you don't have a break or a roll. all i have is a nitrogen bottle, tow straps, and a big ass hammer. but it is looking good. hopefully that will be done tomorrow.

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maztang (ryan)   +1y
got the passenger side fender preped and primed today. also got my valve cover and timing chain cover sand blasted. i also sent my head off to get rebuilt and should have it back either friday or next monday. then i will be able to crank her back up and hopefully have the interior all back together by then.

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just got off the phone with beau and he made me realize just how tore apart my truck is. haha. here are some pics. but what makes me feel ok is knowing that next weekend he will be completely body dropping his truck to the rocker so now i don't feel so bad. hahaha.

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slammed83mazda   +1y
looks bad ass man, and yes mine has that little hole to I have no idea why? hey how hard was it to get your fenders off I think I am gonna strip all the spray bomb shit off the truck.
maztang (ryan)   +1y
not hard at all. the sealant is only on the front a lot. the rest was easy.
jmzcustomz (jeff)   +1y
Good loooking progress. I know the goal is for tex mex...any details on the show? I am too lazy/ busy to search. Would love to see this thing in person.
speed_cult   +1y
Looks awsome. Man I need to move where other mini truckers are, it sucks up here! LOL