For about $80 I'd build you two new bars. Lol.
The heims don't necessarily feel sloppy per say, what I mean is that they move pretty freely. At least the ones I have seen. They should be a bit more firm to move the ball around.
What I mean about the articulation, is when the link bar articulates. Both sides of the bar have a rod end, so while it is bolted onto your truck, you can grab it with your hand and twist it side to side. Now if you put a bag on top of that, and air it up the bag will twist the bar one way or the other. It will take the path of least resistance. If the bag is slightly offset it will always lean to that side. If they are dead nuts perfect, it will lean to either side depending on how the truck lifts, or if one valve reacts slower than the other. Does that makes sense? Basically the bottom of the bag will twist out to the side and put stress on the bag itself and also the heims. On just a bag over axle setup this isn't a concern because the bottom of the bag is mounted to a predictable surface.
Okay notches. If you notch the frame like so:
Its pretty simple to install a notch, and doesn't take much work to keep the frame perfectly square (or as good as the factory had it). Now all you would have to do, is measure from where the top of the stock frame was to the top of the new notch. From that measurement you can make bed mount spacers. So, say they are going to be 7" tall. What I do is cut some 1.5" round, or some 1x2 and weld a plate on the bottom. In that plate I weld a nut to the backside, usually 3/8". This side of the spacer will bolt to the stock bed mounts on the frame the same way the stock bed did. Now clean the bottom side of the stock bed mounts to bare metal, and set the bed on the new mounts. Line it up, and then weld the spacers to the bottom of the bed. This is the point where you would body drop your bed.
When I plate my frame I use 10 gauge, or 1/8" plate.
And since you are running 5/8" heims, I don't know that I can get a self hardening threaded insert that size, so I couldn't really make an adjustable end for it. It would probably be even better however to run the bushing side without adjustment because ti will be more stable. Also a wider bushing will help with stability as well and prevent the bag from rocker to either side.