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Mazda Projects \  tearin it apart... and buildin it back up

tearin it apart... and buildin it back up

Mazda Projects
views 12835
replies 153
following 40
bodied b2600zx (josh)   +1y
$200 for the bed, fenders and the car? ? ? SOLD. . . I'll come get it all in a couple days. . . hahahahaha

Clears look great bro! ! Glad you can get some use out of em! ! Instead of em collecting dust sittin on my grille in the parts pile. . hahaha

shilaeli huggr (burdaddy)   +1y
wow... i really need to post up pre-drunk. this post-drunk-postin gits me all screwd up!

yeah it was awesome when them clears showed up. it was 20 degrees out and i went out and put 'em on in the snow lol
bodied b2600zx (josh)   +1y
Werd. . . we got 9" last night

Thats a ton for around here. . .

You gotta change your title now on this thread. . FINALLY GOT THE CLEARS ON! !

hahahaha, jk jk jk

shilaeli huggr (burdaddy)   +1y
YAY!!!! got my 4wd bed today! its aaron's old bed hahahahaha. it needs patched up so i'm gonna go talk to my bodyshop friend and see if he can fit me in his garage after hours. most of its gittin cut so i'm not worried bout it bein perty for now.

and probly goin to start baggin it soon! doin the rear first then once i git another truck i'll tear into the front.
shilaeli huggr (burdaddy)   +1y
well thank y'all for corruptin me. i mean who in there right mind would go and cut up a perfectly good truck? then again i was never in the right mind

after much debate...
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and lots of thought (notice smoke)
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i decided how to cut this up...
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yep its a 4wd bed!!!
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i'll let ya know how it goes! probly startin tomorrow nite.

on a side note, dont know if i told y'all bout this. was headin to work bout 2 weeks ago and the truck coasted backwards... right into neighbors honda! it put a few scratches on there bumper and destroyed my poor roll pan.
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THE PRICKS CALLED THE SHERIFF! i told them i'd pay outta pocket and talk to my friend to git a price on buffin there plastic bumper. they called there insurance and want over $500 for FUGGIN SCRATCHES!!!!! screw 'em. aint gittin it!

but i got my bumper on.
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and got the parts for my suicide hood!
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now i got a collection of mazda tailgates... anyone want this?
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ok sorry.. i'm drunk! lol later y'alls.
shilaeli huggr (burdaddy)   +1y
welp i have made absolutely no progress... ok i lie. i did put the new head on i got from carolinasled and the valves were hammerin. nothin against sled tho. i changed out for my old rockers. not hammerin as bad but still makin noise. was thinkin bout changin out for the older rockers since there adjustable but i've come to a desicion...

i'm gonna sell it

yep. i've got too many irons and no fuel for the fire. just got the house and havin to put money in it and my car to git it back road worthy so i could put the truck off to the side and tear into it but then i still wont have money. and my 4wd still needs to be up and runnin.

i'll still be on here in my once in awhile visits but the house and work is takin up most of my free time. haven't even been able to go out drinkin lately. oh well. friday nite and i'm gonna start tearin the rec room apart. later on y'alls.

p.s. i broke my pinky finger the other day at work. got it caught in the tire machine. the girl told me to ice it and wrap it. i sed 'aint got time for that, work to be done. dont worry bout me'. wow... 2 broken fingers in 1 month. i'm on a roll
paparoach1983   +1y
wow nice truck
shilaeli huggr (burdaddy)   +1y
thanks roach. gonna talk to a guy today whos got a 1/2 ton chevy. see if he'll trade me even up.
paparoach1983   +1y
wow man i cant beleive you selling it.
shilaeli huggr (burdaddy)   +1y
yeah... its nickel and dimin me man. i just talked to my mechanic today bout fixin the starter on the caprice so i can start runnin it hard but i'm keepin the 4wd for my daily until i can find a lil beater mobile and start buryin it in mudholes.