might as well put stuff in here for the stuff i'm doing to this truck.
it's a beater and anything i'm putting into it will be transferred to a better condition b2200 if i look for one in the summer
the previous owner called it his "mexican cadillac" so i'm continuing with that name, as it's quite fititng for these trucks
here's the original stuff i posted about:
most progress/pics on page 2
i had put a cheap sony stereo in it cause it comes with an ipod cable.
i'd been having issues with the sound cutting out at low volume, and cutting out if i fade front or rear.
well i realized it was due to the crappy wiring harness from the last guy only had 9 wires - so he wired front left/right to the same common ground, and same with the rear.
fixed all that last night and put in some cheap speakers and all is working now SO SO much better
in the process of doing that i wanted to find out the 1 wire i left hanging, what it was for... after a bit of chat this morning on here, looking at (thanks andrew).. i realized the previous installer happened to also reverse the illumination and switched 12v+ wires around, so my switched 12v+ is the blue/white and illumination is red/black. oh fun. anyway it's all working now, here's the progress from today removing the old wiring harness:
* NOTE i KNOW pyle is "a pyle of crap" but it's better than oem and that's all i want. it's cheap, it'll work. plus they are the same depth as oem so they'll fit great! i just need to check the screw holes.
old vs new speakers
so much power!!
360w.. LOL... as long as they handle the 20-25 from the deck, since the oem ones cut out
i'm going to remove the harness off the oem speakers and solder wires into the harness, then they can be removed easily later if need be (well as easy as removing the whole rear interior to get at them!)
pyle speaker with the terminals bent up. turns out i didn't need to do that
old terminals/harness pulled off oem speakers
how they fit together
popped wires out
popped the cardboard mount and terminals off
this was nice to have right now
old terminals riveted to new speakers
wires soldered in
harness clipped on
what i started with, minus some of the elec. tape holding it together
old harness, only 9 wires, needs 11.
left and right common wires, only 1 of each which caused an issue fading front/rear and also caused issue with not being able to raise volume above 18-20 on the deck before it crackled and cut out
new strip
self cleaning flux paste
corrosion resistance applied under the shrink wrap
shrink wrapping
rear speakers done and wrapped
front and rear speakers wrapped and tied
everything wrapped and tied
and the mess left over