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Mazda Projects \  jesse's b2200 mexican cadillac beater..

jesse's b2200 mexican cadillac beater..

Mazda Projects
views 7419
replies 73
following 16
jesse   +1y
told some i would do this, and i'm doing it....
i'm airing it out every 15min or so to get the fumes out and keep it safer

i had a bunch of extra skids i was going to use for firewood this season, so i decided to ghetto-nail them together to create a box

preparation of the fuel tank

preparation of the enclosure that it'll sit in to dry, with a space heater

and today i finished the enclosure and so far have painted half the tank

tarp to hold in the heat, wood to hold down the tarp

front angle

inside, i already had the space heater warming it up.. works well
it has 1-5 level, 750/1500watt.. i started it at 1500watt, level 5... i've turned it down to 750watt, level 5 to maintain it

bedliner spray i'm using. i opted against por-15 because i didn't want the cost for my beater truck.. this should work fine for me

setup tank on a skid for painting, then drag it over and slide it in


other side

and the tank in the enclosure!

so far after 15min, i've opened it up to air out some fumes and the paint seems fairly dry to the touch already

this works well
jesse   +1y
ghetto? yes!
working? absolutely!

the heat is radiant, electric.. no open flame or spark so i'm not really concerned about a fire hazard, but i'm opening once in awhile just to play it safe

i already pulled out, turned around, sprayed bottom.. spray can ran out after i was done this.. perfect!
put back in, let it dry for 30-40min

i've pulled it back out and used a whole second can on the top and as far down the sides that i can, and this time i sprayed it on a piece of cardboard so i could slide it in without knocking the bottom...

not spraying direct bottom a second time cause i'm going to rockerguard it anyways once it's installed, so i was more concerned with the top

now i'm gonna let it sit in there for 2-3hrs with airing it out every 15min for the first few times, then do it half hour at a time as the fumes are dispersed.. this way i'll know it's really dry and cured and ready to hopefully install this weekend! YIPPEE
jmzcustomz (jeff)   +1y
Dang dude you have some serious patience. Killer idea though. You must be a handy one to have at the house....
Mom yells..."Son Toilet broke again"
Jesse..."Get me some chewing gum, zip ties, and a bendy straw"
15min later....
Jesse..."Fixed and working well!"
jesse   +1y
funny enough, i have 2 toilets pissing me off with the internal crap... LOL.. keeps breaking, i need a new system in there

and i own this house, no mom around

i'm super happy how this has turned out, i'll feel better in an hour or two when i know it's been in there for awhile to cure better
immortal1 (linn)   +1y
Jesse, that may be one of the more getto paint booths I have seen.... but thats why I like it the most. Very creative indeed. God knows I have used some less than professional means to achieve an end results LOL.
jesse   +1y
tank stayed out there in heat after the last coat for like 5 hours, then i brought it directly inside.. no more fumes/smell coming off it, and it was warm to the touch when i brought it in... so i'm pretty sure it's all done curing...

but it's in normal room temperature warmth now and will stay that way until i installed it, which hopefully is tomorrow or sunday!

then my truck won't keep clogging the fuel filter

and i might put a hold on any more work until warm weather, so i might not have many if any updates here after that...... depending when i lower it..... in the spring comes lowering if not done and a tremclad paint job
jesse   +1y
so the new tank is in, but not yet usable.... ran into a problem

everything is hooked back up except the air vent beside the filler tube.. the top is rotted out and the metal there cracked and broke off so the rubber hose doesn't reach the top anymore... have to figure out what i'm going to do for that.. i figured there might be an issue up there as i can't seem to fill my tank at a gas station without the safety catch popping every 10secs on the pump

might have to try to find replacement metal at the wreckers or get it sealed up some other way so i can get the hose back overtop and clamp it

i had to buy new bolts for the fuel pump (it was definitely NOT replaced before i got the truck like i was told) and 2 new stainless nuts/bolts for the rear mount of the tank assembly since those 2 bolts were corroded away and i had to cut them out

another new fuel filter is on now too with the new tank

once i patch the air return i'll be good to go
jesse   +1y
and pics!!

tank finally lowered and set on wood while jack is used to pull up rear end

lifted rear with the new jack i got for christmas

filler spout

tank slid out the side since jack can go up to 21" tall

fuel pump and other such gunk on the top.... this was definitely not replaced just before i got the truck with this much build-up
ls1ftw   +1y
What did you use to paint those tails, I mean the actual red. Thanks in advance
jesse   +1y
might want to msg crazymikey or search the board.. i bought them off him.. but i'm pretty sure he's mentioned it in other threads on here too

such as