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Mazda Projects
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bigamigo   +1y
there is no issue just beacuse mine is diffrent then everybody elses dosent meen its going to f)cking break. its tied into the frame in three places and all thos are gusseted and there are also frame strap plates and just because i decide to take the easyer route on this truck im tired of spending weeks and wekkes of fabing to please everybody if you dont like it so what its not youres its mine im not building a show truck this thing will be lucky if in a few months after its on the road its not stripped down and getting a turbo diesle and a new frame and started all over again because im bord with it so listen up

it wont move up down forward back or how ever the heel all you think it will damnit im tired of telling you all this there is no f(cking way to run a bar accross to the other side it wont f(cking fit my gas tank is aganist the bed floor god damn can we please be done with the bs
Post was last edited on Sep 29, 2009 02:09. This post has been edited 1 times.
mazdawg(mikey)   +1y
i dont really care, i was just wanting to show off my new signature picture
sleepyspeed   +1y
I like my showing off my sig too.....LMAO!
bigamigo   +1y
so you come in my post talk sh1t just to show off show gay ass pink mazda WTF
mazdawg(mikey)   +1y
a gay ass pink mazda that its 3link wont break and kill the driver and people driving around it. thats all.
cl (chris)   +1y
Can you feel the love tonight.......................not in this thread cant we all just get along?
mazdawg(mikey)   +1y
i love you chris
cl (chris)   +1y
Now thats better
bigamigo   +1y
thread post photo
paparoach1983   +1y
wtf amigo you ask for ower opinions and we have stated them now you dont like the response i can understand, but when it is a majority opinion that it is "unsafe", i would take it under consideration. But when you start talking smack back because it isnt what you wanted to here is not our fault. take it as constructive criticisim and raise the bed one inch more then you got space to run a bar across directely over the tank and you would be at least somewhat safer for other drivers. that is what we are saying. so please calm down we are not atacking you.