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Mazda Projects
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bigamigo   +1y
its all good roach been a very bad weekend and day but on that knote i didnt lift my bed at all with the long box all i have to do is lower the front 4 bed mounts and i zed the rear a little thats all so cuttnig it to put a bar would be alot of work and trust me when i say i tested this mount like a mofo and it aint moven or even flintching one of these days im thinking of building somthing not done yet by anyother and it will be hand built frame so i will put everything were i really whant it and i may even tig the frame if i feel the need <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D --> also it will be a frame under with a 4dr cab wing windows another tubro motor and if youre really really close to the screen youre nuts i wont tell the secret not yet im still hunting parts and trying to figure out how to do a few things
bigamigo   +1y
yep for sale will sell with 4x4 longbox for $2750 o.b.o. 2x4 longbox $2500 or all my mazda parts $2800

hit me up

[size=200]wayne 360-957-2341

all it needs is the rear valves installed put in d-line , fill trans , and finish wiring the turbo motor , exhaust

90-b22dawg [andrew]   +1y
why are you selling it? finish it and get more out of it....
68sweet-n-low   +1y
hes prolly sellin it bc hes had so much shit over it and tired of all the bs, but i agree with other people amigo im tell u as a freind we just want you to drive safe. but dont make sence why you want to build the frame and up then tear it back down a few months later but thats up to you man. but i dont see why you want to keep the gas tank and the bed floor the avg person wouldnt know the diff or many other people that knows what there looking at. just relax guys were all a big family we should help each other not bash and cause problems. but i guess good luck with the sell if thats what you want to do with it

jmzcustomz (jeff)   +1y
Will you deliver to MS? LOL Just playin. Good luck with the sale man hate to see you sell it and the wifes toy. Gotta love the economy as I am sure that is playing a role in it.
paparoach1983   +1y
bigamigo   +1y
thanks and yes will deliver , and no the economy has 0 to do with selling these the jeep we are looking for a fullsize truck to haul a trailer and its done now time for somthing else you never see done thinking a old scout 800a
they remind me of the old broncos

thread post photo

and the dawg i havent even opened the door in three months or even whanted to ive lost some intrest in it and if it sells i could redo it in a week of work so not that big of a deal to me
jmzcustomz (jeff)   +1y
That scout looks kool as hell. You going up or down with it?
bigamigo   +1y
suicide   +1y
How much for the 4x4 bed? let me know